
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday's Annoucements

Hello All,

Please remember:

1.  We are only doing in class projects this week so no homework to take home.
2.  Friday is the last day of school, and we'll be having a Class Awards ceremony, passing out Yearbooks, and cleaning out the desks, etc. 


Mrs. Beltre

Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday's Reminders and Homework

Hello All,

Reminders: Please remember that there is no school on Monday.  Also, remember that the students need to bring everything on the list for the beach, including their food item to share.

Lower:  Redo DOL

1.  Essay FINAL DRAFT due Monday
2. Spanish- Memorize Sarah's script

That's it!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday's Announcements and Assignments

Good Afternoon!

Parents: Please remember that if you aren't going to accompany us on Tuesday to Avila Beach that you will need to turn in the permission slip tomorrow (Friday).
Also, please remember that there won't be school on Monday, May 28, due to Memorial Day.
And last, tomorrow is the Moolah Auction, so please remember to bring something to donate (a gently used toy, school supplies, or other fun item).

Here's the homework:

  1. Math- do two pages in the book
  2. Phonics- Alex finish up to the check; Maxwell- do worksheet
  3. Social Studies- p. 184- Thinking About Ideas #1-6.
  1. Spanish- Memorize Sarah's script
  2. Math- workbook
  3. Reading- Final call for magazine articles (corrected)
  4. Essay Draft #3 due tomorrow
  5. Social Studies- Study for Social Studies test RETAKE tomorrow
That's it!  Have a great night!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for tonight:

  1. to study for spelling bee tomrorow
  2. Math- 2 pages in the math workbook
  3. Phonics- to the red check in the book
  4. Social Studies- p. 184 Thinking About Words #1-6

  1. to study for spelling bee tomrorow
  2. Math- workbook
  3. Final Call for magazine articles
  4. Essay final draft due Friday
  5. Social Studies- Part 3 of Project/ Presentations tomorrow
That's it!  Have a wonderful evening!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday's Annoucements and Homework

Hello All,

Please remember that the Scholarship Fair will be tonight at 6:00pm and should end at or before 7:30pm.  Students do not need to attend.

Here's the homework:

  1. to study for the Spelling Bee.
  2. Redo: Gr. 1- 13 colonies sheet/ Harriet Tubman Write About it! 
  1. to study for the Spelling Bee
  2. Spanish- Memory Spanish script
  3. Reading- Bring Magazine Articles to class
  4. Reading- Essay Draft #2 due tomorrow
  5. Social Studies- Part 2 project
That's it!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday's Reminders and Homework

Hello All,

Please see the note that I have sent home about tomorrow's Scholarship Fair.

Also, plesae remember that next week there is no school for Memorial Day (Monday), and we have our school picnic.  More about that later in the week though.

Here's the Homework:
  1. to review the past six (6) lists for the spelling bee on Thursday.
  2. No memory verse
  3. Social Studies- Harriet Tubman Write About It! for Brain Pop
  4. Redo:  Social Studies-Write About It! 13 Colonies:  The students should imagine that they are a colonist back in the 1600's.  They should write a diary entry of a typical day.  We've already read about it, talked about it, and watched a video about it.  Remember, it should be about life in the 1600's.
  1. to review the past six (6) lists for the spelling bee on Thursday.
  2. Spanish- memorize your Spanish script for Maryann and Derek's script.
  3. Math- workbook
  4. Reading-
    1. Bring magazine article to class
    2. Essay Draft #2 due Wednesday
  5. Social Studies- Part 1 for Project
That's it! 
Thanks :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Friday's Homework

FRIDAY- May 18, 2012

Hello All,

There isn't much for today.

Lower- None

  1. Essay Outline #2 due Wednesday
  2. Spanish script
  3. Math- workbook makeup/redo work

That's it! 

Thursday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Please remember that the Scholarship Fair is Tuesday night!

Here's the homework:

  1. memory verse tomorrow
  2. Handwriting- finish a lesson and coloring page
  3. Social Studies- 13 colonies Write about it

  1. Spanish script due tomorrow
  2. Bible Activity due tomorrow
  3. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow
  4. Math- Workbook
  5. Reading- Essay draft 31 due tomorrow
  6. Social Studies- TEST tomorrow
  7. Makeup-
    1. Polar Animal stories
That's it!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

Please remember that next Tuesday, May 22, we are going to have our Scholarship Fair. 

Here's the homework:

  1. Memory Verse Proverbs 21:26
  2. Social Studies- Workbook p. 42
  3. Makeup work- Bible workbook
  1. Memory Verse 1 Thess. 4:16-18
  2. Math- workbook
  3. Reading- Essay draft #1 due Friday (must be typed)
  4. Social Studies- Mini project on Alexander the Great and Greece due tomorrow
  5. Makeup work-  Bible- Dig questions
  6. Makeup- Polar Animals paper

That's it!

Thanks :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday's Homework

Hello All,

Please remember that there will be a scholarship fair on Tuesday next week to help fill out applications and see which scholarships the students can get for the coming school year.

Here's the homework for tonight:

Please note that ALL REDO WORK is due tomorrow.


  1. Memory Verse- Proverbs 21:26
  2. Handwriting- finish one lesson 
  3. Social Studies- Workbook p. 40-41


  1. Memory Verse- 1 Thess. 4:16-18
  2. Bible- Makeup work- Lesson 28 # of your grade
  3. Math- Workbook 
  4. Reading- Essay draft 1--due Friday (typed)
  5. Reading- Polar animal story (1/2 page, 3/4 page, 1-page)
  6. Social Studies- Mini project (due Thursday)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday's Announcements and Homework

Hello All,

  1. Meet at 10:45 at church to warm up with Mr. Beltre on Sabbath
  2. Meet around 1:45 for the Youth Symphony Concert on Sunday


  1. Social Studies-  Write About it! for Christopher Columbus
  2. Makeup-  Bible workbook- finish the two circled pages  
  1. Math- workbook
  2. Reading-  Read Under the Ice pp. 42-51
    1. Makeup- Article for magazine
    2. Read- Outline for essay

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday's Announcements and Homework

Hello All,

  1. I'm sending home a note today that has some important annoucements and info so please look out for it.
  2. Sabbath the students are singing.  They should wear dress clothes, a white top and black pants/skirts. They will need to meet Mr. Beltre by 10:45.
  3. Sunday we will be leaving promptly at 2pm so please get to the parking lot by 1:45 so we can all be ready to leave.

  1. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow- Mark 12:30
  2. Bible-  Finish "Satan's Trap" page.
  3. Handwriting- Finish an entire lesson and color a page from the back with a memory verse.
  1. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow- Mark 13:28, 29
  2. Bible Activity due tomorrow
  3. reading- Essay Outline due tomorrow
  4. Social Studies- p. 210:  do the Tryin the Skill/Reviewing the Skill

That's it! 


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday's Homework

Happy Wednesday!

Here's the homework for tonight:


  1. Study for your spelling test at
  2. Study for your Memory Verse- mark 12:30
  3. Reading:  Read an entire book aloud to your Mom or Dad

  1. Study for your spelling test at
  2. Spanish Quiz tomorrow- study your vocabulary words
  3. Study for your Memory Verse- Mark 12:28,29
  4. Math- Workbook
  5. Reading- Outline for essay due Friday
    1. Makeup work-  Redo Article
  6. Social Studies- Think About it!
    1. Makeup work- finish the mini-project
That's it! Have a great day :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuesday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework:

  1. for spelling
  2. Bible- Memory Verse Mark 12:30
  3. Bible-  Workbook (finish pages for Lesson 32)
  4. Handwriting-  finish one lesson
  1. for spelling
  2. Spanish-  Write 5, 7, or 10 phrases from the new vocabulary and illustrate the pictures.
  3. Bible- Memory Verse
  4. Bible makeup- Dig Questions for Lesson 27
  5.  Reading- Work on your essay outline
  6. Reading makeup- Write the article about the research station
  7. Social Studies-  Mini-project about the Olympics due tomorrow
That's it!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Please remember that this Sababth, May 12, the students will be doing a special music at Templeton Hills Adventist Church.  The students need to be at church by 10:35am. Also, please remember that on Sunday we will be going on Field Trip to PACSLO for a concert.  We will meet on Sunday around 1:45 pm.

Here's the homework:

  2. Bible- Do Memory Verse card for Mark 12:30
  3. Reading- Gr. 3- Pronouns sheet
  2. Bible- Dig Questions Lesson 27
  3. Math- Workbook
  4. Reading- Article on Polar Station you have chosen
  5. Social Studies- Continue working on mini-project
That's it!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello All,

Outreach went very well today. The residents at Vineyard Health were estatic to have the students there to help them.  It was a really nice way to spend the day. 

There is no assigned homework, only Redo work for the weekend.  Most students have something they should be doing.  All redo work is due this Monday.


Mrs. Beltre 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday's Homework

Hello All,

Here’ s the homework:


  1. Bible:
    1. Gr.1- Finish the Lord’s Prayer coloring sheets and staple to make into a book.
    2. Gr. 3- Finish the Bible workbook (pages that are circled).
  2. Reading:
    1. Gr. 1- Finish phonics/reading worksheet
    2. Gr. 3- Do Write About it for Nonfiction Books
  3. Social Studies:
    1. P. 146-147 do the Review questions


  1. Spelling Redo-  some people didn’t pass the spelling test and need to write each word with its definition, and use it in a sentence.  They will retake the spelling test in class tomorrow.
  2. Bible-  Webquest is due tomorrow
  3. Math- Workbook
  4. Reading- Concept Map about Polar Life is due tomorrow.   Choose Polar life, tell a fact about it, and a way to conserve it.
  5. Social Studies- Mini project based on Sparta and Athena due tomorrow
That's it!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Hello All,

Just a reminder to turn in the permission slips for Friday's Outreach.

Here's the Homework-

Lower: for the spelling test tomorrow

  1. Gr. 1- Phonics
  2. Gr. 3- Write About it- Nonfiction Books
Social Studies:
  1. Gr. 1- Phonics
  2. Gr. 3- Write About it- Ellis Island  


  1. for the spelling test tomorrow
  2. Spanish- Webquest due tomorrow
  3. Math- workbook
  4. Bible and Social Studies:  Assignments due Friday
That's it!

--Mrs. B.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday's Homework and Annoucements

Hello All,

Announcements: Please remember to turn in your forms for the Symphony Orchestra field trip, as well as the money for the trip. Also, please remember to sign and return the permission slip for our Outreach on Friday morning.
Here's the homework-

  1.  spellingcity for spelling test Thursday
  2. Handwriting-  Finish the lesson and do a memory verse page with the blacklines in back of the book.
  3. Social Studies-  Write About It for Ellis Island.

  1. spellingcity for spelling test Thursday
  2. Math-  workbook
  3. Reading:  Scientific Method sheet 5a
  4. Social Studies- Makeup work- mini project
That's it! 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday's Homework and Annoucements

Hello All,

For Parents, please remember that the Ticket Order Forms and money for the Concert at PACSLO need to be returned by Wednesday morning.  I've sent home a form and a note, along with a permission slip for this Friday when we will have our last Outreach of the year. 

This week we will also be having Week of Prayer.  Therefore the load of homework will be lighter so the students can concentrate on the deep truths that will be presented to them throughout the week.

Here's the homework-

  2. Social Studies:  Make a flag to represent the School
  2. Math-workbook
  3. Reading:  Weather log
  4. Social Studies:  mini-project
That's it!  Remember your permission slips and order forms!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday's Announcements and Homework

Hello All,

On Wednesday I sent home grade reports for each student.  If you haven't done so yet, please make sure that you look over the grades and then sign and return them on Monday.

Also, I need the form that was sent home with the students on Thursday regarding our final field trip to Symphony Orchestra.  Please indicate how many people will be coming and return with payment by Wednesday as I will be purchasing the tickets that morning.

Thank you!  Here's the homework

NONE!  The boys have finished all of their work and makeup work this week.  Good for them!


  1. Math- Workbook
  2. Social Studies: Chapter 8, Lesson 1.  Write the words that are in blue.  And 7th graders, do #5 of the Think About It.
That's it!  Have a Happy Sabbath!

Mrs. B :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Happy Wednesday,

  1. I am sending home a progress report.  Please peruse and sign it, and return it to me.
  2. Our next field trip will be to the PACSLO for a music concert.  This will take place on a Sunday.  More info to come!
Here's the homework:

  1. spelling test tomorrow (
  2. Memory Verse quiz Friday
  3. Reading:  Phonics
  4. Social Studies:  Write About it! based on George Washinton.  4-5 sentences.
  1. spelling test tomorrow (
  2. Memory Verse quiz Friday
  3. Reading-  Activity page from Penguins video
  4. Social Studies-  Activity page from the Great Wall of China video
That's it!  Have a great day :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's today's homework:

  1. for spelling test on Thursday
  2. Memory Verse:  Zechariah 9:9
  3. Bible:  Workbook
  4. Social Studies:  Flag coloring page
  1. for spelling test on Thursday
  2. Spanish- Finish webquest!
  3. Memory Verse:
  4. Math:  Workbook
  5. Redo work for some students
That's it!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for tonight:

  1. Memory Verse- Zechariah 9:9
  2. Social Studies- George Washington alpha order sheet
  1. Memory Verse
  2. Dig Questions- Lesson 24
  3. Math- Workbook
That's it! 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday's Assignments

Hello All,

The Sabbath is almost upon us.  I pray a blessing on you as you rest. 

There are a couple of assignments for the weekend:

1.  Finish the DOL
2.  Social Studies:  Do the Draw About it
3.  Makeup work: Bible- Flower activity/ Social Studies- Write About it

  1. Math- Workbook
  2. Reading- Origami- finish your animals
  3. Makeup work-
    1. Reading: Redo Article, 4 vocabulary cards, label 9 sentences, Handwriting
    2. Bible: Activityfrom Lesson 24
God Bless everyone!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for tonight:

  1. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow
  2. Bible: Flower Activity
  3. Social Studies:  Write About it!
  1. Memory Verse- 2 Tim. 3:16
  2. Bible-  Activity Lesson 24
  3. Math- Workbook
  4. Reading- Handwriting Sheet
  5. Social Studies- p. 182-183 to study for Test tomorrow
  6. Late:
    1. Reading: Antarctic/Arctic Article
    2. Reading: 9 sentence (labeling)
That's it!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for tonight:

  1. to study spelling words for test tomorrow
  2. Memory Verse:   Mark 4:24 (first part)
  3. Social Studies p. 130-131 (review ) and do the Time Line worksheet
  4. Makeup work:  Bible workbook, Government Handwriting Sheet
  1. to study spelling words for test tomorrow
  2. Memory Verse:   2 Tim 3:16
  3. Spanish- Webquest evaluation due Thursday
  4. Math- Workbook
  5. Reading:
    1. make 4 vocab cards
    2. Adv/Adj sheet
  6. Social Studies: Ancient China mini-project.  Also, remember there will be a TEST FRIDAY!!
  7. Late work:
    1. 9 sentences (labeling)
    2. Arctic/Antarctic articles

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello All,

The Zoo trip is tomorrow!  Please remember to send the appropriate amount for the field trip tomorrow with your child. Also, please remember that their lunch should be a sac lunch as we will eat in the park.

Here's the homework:

Lower: for test on Thursday
Memory Verse: Mark 4:24
  1. Handwriting sheet
  1. for test on Thursday
  2. Memory Verse: 2 Tim. 3:16
  3. Math- workbook
  4. Reading:  labeling 9 sentences/ finishing the Journal (if applicable)
  5. Makeup/Late work:
    1. Bible- Dig Questions
    2. Reading- Arctic/Antrctic Article (typed)
That's it! 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday's Homework

Hello All,

Please remember to bring money to pay for the Zoo trip on Wednesday between now and then.  It's $4 for 11 and under, and $5 for 12 and over.

Here's the homework:


  1. for spelling words
  2. Bible memory verse: Mark 4:24 (first part)  
  3. Phonics 
  4. Social Studies- Draw About It (this is only for those who didn't finish it)
  1. for spelling words 
  2. Bible memory verse:  2 Tim 3:16
  3. Bible- Dig Questions 
  4. Math- Workbook 
  5. Reading- 
    1. Arctic or Antarctic Article 
    2. 9 Adverbs activity 
  6. Social Studies Think About it #5
That's it!  

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's this weeken's homework:

1.  make-up work
2.  DOL
3.  Draw About it

  1. Math- Workbook
  2. Spanish- Finish the PROCESS part of the Webquest.  If you have any questions about how to do a process, see your notes, and look online for an example of a webquest process.  You can go to our wiki look at the webquest I made for instance. Remember, this is due Monday!
That's it!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday's Homework

Hello All,

  1. Memory Verse:  John 8:12
  2. Handwriting- finish assignment
  3. Social Studies: Write About it!

  1. Spanish:  Process for Webquest
  2. Bible:  Memory Verse John 16:33
  3. Math:  Workbook
  4. Social Studies:  Mini-project, Chapter 7, Lesson 2
That's it!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's tonight's homework:

  1. for spelling test tomorrow
  2. memory verse John 8:12 for Friday
  3. Phonics book- finish assigned pages
  4. Social Studies- Worksheet about fixing the playground
  1. for spelling test tomorrow
  2. memory verse
  3. Spanish- work on process for webquest
  4. Math- workbook
  5. Social Studies: 
    1. definitions from Ch. 7, lesson 2
    2. Think About it questions, Ch. 7, Lesson 2
That's it!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday's Homework

Hello All,

Remember that tomorrow we have more P/T Conferences.

Here's the homework for today:

  1. for spelling test THursday
  2. Memory Verse:  John 8:12
  3. Bible-  Workbook pp. 85-87
  4. Write About it (Makeup work)
  1. for spelling test THursday
  2. Memory Verse: John 16:33
  3. Math- Workbook
  4. Reading:  Journal question #3- What do you think of Conlan's work?  Suppoer your answers with info from the reading.
  5. Social Studies:  Activity based on Ch. 7 lesson 1 (due tomorrow)
    1. Gr. 4-  Draw two pictures showing how Chinese farmers along the Huang managed the river
    2. Gr. 6- Write a day in the life of a farmer along the Huang River with special attention to the battles with the river
    3. Gr. 7/8- Do research on how the river's course has changed over the year.  Then write a report about it (one page), with illustrations about how it has changed in the report.
That's it!  Have a great day!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday's Homework and Reminders

Hello All,

Two reminders:
  1. Parent/Teacher Conferences begin tomorrow
  2. Students need to bring headphones to class tomorrow
Here's the homework:

  1. spelling for spelling test Thursday
  2. Memory Verse:  John 8:12
  3. Social Studies: Local Government- Write About it!
  1. spelling for spelling test Thursday
  2. Memory Verse: John 16:33
  3. Spanish:  Webquest- Introduction
  4. Bible- Dig Questions Lesson 23 #1-6
  5. Math- Workbook
  6. Reading- Finish the reflection sheet
    1. Draw Antarctica with latitude and longsitude lines. Color the sea blue.  Draw Antarctic Circle.
  7. Social Studies:  Ch. 7, Lesson1- write all bold blue words and their definitions. 
That's it! 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello All,

We had a great Outreach today!  Also, please ask for the note that was sent home today about headphones for each student.

There isn't any assigned homework, just redo or makeup assignments (not every student has them) which include:

  1. Finish DOL
  2. Bible workbook
  3. Spelling redo

  1.  Spelling redo- write the words, define them, and use them in a sentence.
  2. Math- Workbook
  3. Reading:  4 pink notecards with words, definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and a picture of the word based on the Times for Kids article.
  4. Social Studies:
    1. Last Supper stained glass mosaic
    2. Redo for Last Supper story in first person
  5. Other Makeup work

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday's Announcements and Homework


Just a reminder that tomorrow we are doing Outreach at the Vineyard Health facility and all students are needed (they will be doing special music).  Also, there are still a few students who haven't turned in their permission slips and won't be permitted to attend without one.

Here's the homework:

Just the memory verse for tomorrow! John 4:13-14a


  1. Redo Spelling- write the definitions and use each word in a sentence- Due tomorrow 
  2. Bible- Memory Verse- Zechariah 4:6
  3. Math- Workbook 
  4. Reading- 4 cards of definitions based on the online article on the Antarctic
  5. Social Studies- Redo for the Last Supper in First Person due tomorrow. 
    1. Stained-glass picture 
That's it!  See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Please remember that the permission slips are due tomorrow, or the students won't be able to go to the Outreach on Friday.
Also, the Parent/Teacher Conferences are on Tuesday and Wednesday during the coming week.

Here's the Homework:

  1. for the spelling test on Thursday
  2. Memory Verse- John 4:13/14a (first part)
  3. Bible-  Workbook- Lesson 28
  4. Reading: Phonics book to the page with a check mark
  5. Social Studies: Picture of the Last Supper and one sentence explanation
  1. for the spelling test on Thursday
  2. Memory Verse- Zechariah 4:6
  3. Bible makeup: Dig Questions due tomorrow
  4. Math: Workbook
  5. Reading: Journal #2
  6. Bible Makeup: Journal 1; Venn Diagram
  7. Social Studies: 1st person account of the Passover
That's it!  Have a great day :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday's Homework

Hello All,

Please remember that you have permission slips due on Thursday for our Outreach Friday.  Also, Parent/Teacher Conferences are next week.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.  Thanks!

Here's the homework:

  1. for spelling
  2.  Bible:
    1. finish making memory verse card for John 4:13-14a
    2. study the memory verse
  3. Reading:  Please see Pathways letter
  4. Social Studies:  Make an Easter Card that celebrates biblical reason for Easter

  1. for spelling
  2. Spanish: Sur America map- fill it in with the names of the South American countries and color it.
  3. Memory Verse- Zechariah 4:6
  4. Bible:  Dig Questions- Lesson 22
  5. Math- Workbook
  6. Reading:  Handwriting & Journal question
  7. Social Studies: 
    1. Gr. 4/6:  Make a Venn Diagram comparing the Christian Easter with the Secular Easter
    2. Gr. 7/8: Write a one-page paper based on the two articles you printed from the internet about the Christian Easter and Secular Easter. Compare and contrast the two holidays.

That's it!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Please remember that the students will get out tomorrow at 12:00pm to begin Spring Break.  Third quarter will resume on Tuesday, April 3, 2012. Tomorrow there will be a sub for the last hour and a half of the day.  But please make sure your child is in class though, as there is quite a bit of work that they have to turn in the beginning of the day, as well as two quizzes and a project (for upper graders).  See below. 

  1. for Bee tomorrow
  2. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow
  3. Bible-  worksheet
  4. Reading-  Handwriting sheet
  1. for Bee tomorrow
  2. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow
  3. Bible- worksheet
  4. Reading- Final Project
  5. Math- Workbook

That's it!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello All,

Please remember that this is the last week of the quarter, and Spring Break begins Thursday at 12:00pm.  Please be sure to make arrangements for your child to be picked up at 12:00pm as there willl be a Friday Schedule.  Please also remember that school will resume on Tuesday, April 3 @ 8:15am.

Here's the homework:

  2. Memory Verse (Matthew 21:15 middle part)
  3. Social Studies:  Market Place Goods and Services
    1. The students are making cards that represent goods and services.
    2. Two cards should say goods, and two cards should say services
    3. The cards are ideas for coupons of goods and services that they could do for someone else.
    4. Tomorrow they will bring the cards to school and trade them with each other.
    5. In the end they will present their four cards to people they can provide a good or service to.
  2. Memory Verse
  3. Spanish Project: DUE TOMORROW
  4. Social Studies Project:  DUE TOMORROW

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday's Homework

Hello All,

Please remember that the Open House will be tonight at 6pm.  Students need to be here at 5:40 in order to prepare for their participation.

The homework tonight is a bit lighter, but there are still things that need to be done.
Here's the homework!

  1. to study for spelling bee on thursday
  2. Bible:  memory verse- Matthew 21:15 (middle).  See memory verse card
  1. to study for spelling bee on thursday
  2. Spanish project due Wednesday
  3. Bible:
    1. memory verse due Thursday
    2. Dig Questions for Lesson 21
  4. Math- Workbook
  5. Social Studies: Mesopotamia Project
That's it1  See you tonight!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello All,

Please remember that tomorrow the students are performing for church.  They need to be at church no later than 10:45 am, and they need to be wearing their choir uniform.


Lower grades only have makeup work if applicable (None for Maxwell!)

Upper grades only have makeup work-  All students have makeup work and should be doing it this weekend. All makeup and redo work is due on Monday morning or it will receive a zero "0" grade.

Thanks and see you tomorrow.

Mrs. B

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday's Homework and Announcments

Hello All,

1.  Please remember that tomrrow is the Moolah Auction.  Each student should bring a small item to add to the auction (can be genly used item from home) such as school supplies or toys. 
2.  Please also remember that the students will be singing this Sabbath.  Please have them at church no later 10:45 to warm up in the Primaries classroom (across the hall from the Pastor's class). They should wear their choir uniform (black pants and shoes, and a white dress shirt or polo).

Here's the homework!

  1. memory verse for tomorrow
  2. Makeup- Bible Workbook (Maxwell)
  3. Card for Dad- please ask for this, they finished it in class.
  4. Social Studies:
    1. Draw About it!
    2. Write About it! (Alex)
  1. memory verse for tomorrow
  2. Math- Workbook
  3. Spanish:  Project due Wednesday
  4. Social Studies:  Webquest due tomorrow
That's it!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Here is today's homework:

  1. for Spelling test tomorrow
  2. Bible- Memory Verse Mtthew 4:10
  3. Social Studies:  Write About it! from BrainPop

  1. for Spelling test tomorrow
  2. Bible- Memory Verse Mtthew
  3. Spanish: Make a worksheet:  Guess which animal ? using all 13 Spanish words.  No one finished this in class so they should be doing this at home.
  4. Math- Workbook
  5. Reading:  None
  6. Social Studies:  Write About It sheet from Brain Pop.

That's it!  Stay Healthy!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello All!

Please remember that we will be having an Open House on March 19, next Monday!  So please come and join us for a night of fun!

Here’s the homework for tonight:


  1. to study for the spelling test on Thursday
  2. Bible:  Workbook
  3. Memory Verse:  Matthew 4:10
  4. Reading:  Finish Phonics
  5. Social Studies:  Write about it based on “Goods and Services” from BrainPop

  1. to study for the spelling test on Thursday
  2. Bible: Memory Verse
  3. Math:  Workbook
  4. Reading:  Handwriting
  5. Social Studies:  p.  126- write the answers to the Thinking About Facts with complete sentences.
Gr. 7/8- p. 127- complete the comparison chart 


Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday's Assignments

Hello All,

Here's Monday!


  1. to study for Spelling test Thursday
  2. Bible Memory Verse- Matthew 4:10
  3. Social Studies- Students have two questions to ask their parents about goods and services.  They should write down the parents' answers on their papers. 
  1. to study for Spelling test Thursday
  2. Bible Memory Verse for quiz Friday
  3. Math- Workbook
  4. Reading- Alliteration Poem
  5. Social Studies- Think About i!
That's it!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello all!

Sabbath is almost upon and I hope you all have plans to rest and enjoy it!

There is no homework for the lower grades, but the upper grades have a few things:

1.  Math- workbook
2.  Social Studies:  This is a makeup assignment.  The students were supposed to write an article based on the webquest they did on Ancient Mesopotamia.  This was actually due today, but they will have an extension to Monday to be able to get any points on it.

That's it!

God Bless!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday Homework and Annoucements

Hello All!

Please remember that the students need to be back here by 6:45 so Mr. Beltre can go over last-minute details, as well as pray with them, and help them rehearse what they want to say for their part of the presentation.

Here's the homework:

  1. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow
  2. Phonics:  "dr" and "tr" worksheet
  3. Handwriting:  finish the lesson, choose a picture in the back to write the verse on, and color it.
  1. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow
  2. Bible- Finish the Activity
  3. Spanish- finish zoo animal flashcards
  4. Math-Workbook
  5. Reading- PowerPoint based on UK Country
  6. Social Studies:  Finish writing webquest article
    1. Gr. 4- 1/2 page double-spaced
    2. Gr. 6- 3/4 pg double spaced
    3. Gr. 7- 1 page double spaced
Thanks!  That's it :)  See you all back tonight!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Please remember that tomorrow night is the Annual Art Gallery & Auction!  Please remember that the students should wear their uniforms to the event, and they should arrive before 6:45pm.  Now to the homework:

  1. for test tomorrow
  2. Memory Verse- Mark 1:11 
  3. Social Studies:  Draw a map of the playground with a route from one place to another.
  1. for test tomorrow
  2. Memory Verse
  3. Math- Workbook
  4. Reading:  Label the knight sheet
  5. Social Studies: Webquest- finish gathering information and filling out journal
That's it!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello All,

Please remember that on thursday, March 8, the students need to be at school by 6:45 (dressed in uniform) for the Art Gallery & Auction.  This is going to be a big event so remember to bring your friends and family to watch your child present their work and to bid of course.

  1. Ask your child for the card they made for their mom today (if they didn't already give it to you).
  2. to study for test of Thursday 
  3. Memory Verse for quiz Friday 
  4. Bible- workbook- finish last page
    1. students color pictures and glue the pictures onto the page
  1. to study for test of Thursday
  2. Memory Verse for quiz Friday
  3. Math- workbook
That's it! 
Thanks :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday's Assignments & Annoucements

Hello All,

Please remember that this Thursday evening, March 8, the students need to be at the school at 6:45 for the Art Gallery & Auction. Invite your friends and family members to come and enjoy the students' art!

Here’s the homework for today:

  1. for Spelling
  2. Memory Verse- Mark 1:11
  3. Bible: Re-read the story of John the Baptist

  1. for Spelling
  2. Spanish- finish project DUE TUESDAY
  3. Memory Verse
  4. Math-workbook
  5. Reading- Chapter 10 review and mini-project
  6. Social Studies:  write blue bold words and their definitions from Ch. 5 Lesson 2

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday's Assignments

Hello All,

Like most Fridays, there are no assignments or homework.  There were many assignments that were due today, and most of the students turned those in except the ones who were absent. 

The only assignment is for upper grades:  Math Workbook.

Have a Blessed weekend!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework:

  1. Memoy verse quiz tomorrow- Luke 2:49
  2. Social Studies- Flowchart with descriptions

  1. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow
  2. Bible:  Activity due tomorrow
  3. Essay FINAL due tomorrow
  4. Social Studies- Study for exam tomorrow
Good luck studying!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for tonight:

  1. spellingcity for test tomorrow
  2. Memory Verse for test Friday
  3. Bible: Scrolls:  I sent a yellow piece of paper home with them.  They should finish writing their memory verse on it.  Tomorrow we're going to turn it into a scroll.
  4. Social Studies: Workbook pp. 22-23
  1. spellingcity for test tomorrow
  2. Spanish:  Project due Tuesday
  3. Memory Verse for test Friday
  4. Bible:  Activity due Friday
  5. Reading:
    1. Essay due Friday
    2. Finish Medieval Vocab List
    3. Kid's View article poster
  6. Social Studies
    1. King Tut project
    2. Test Friday (online)
That's it!  Have a great night and remember to go to the church for the concert at 7pm!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for today!

  1. to study for test on Thursday
  2. Memory Verse- Luke 2:49
  3. Social Studies- Goods and Services.  Draw a chart showing five goods and five services.  Label each one.  Use color
  1. to study for test on Thursday
  2. Memory Verse- 1 Cor. 10:13
  3. Math- workbook
  4. Reading
    1. essay due Friday
    2. Ch. 9 Review
  5. Social Studies
    1. King Tut project dur Thursday
That's it!  Do your work!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday's homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for tonight:

  1. for spelling
  2. Memory Verse:  Luke 2:49
  3. Social Studies:  p. 79- finish project
  1. for spelling
  2. Spanish:   p. 127- write 10 sentences using -o, -as, -a, -amos, -an
  3. Memory Verse:  1 Cor. 10:13
  4. Bible:  Journal and Dig questions for Lesson 18
  5. Reading:  Essay due Friday
That's it!

Have a great day :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello All,
We had a really fun field trip to the Fire Station!  And tomorrow we will  have a Special Feature with pictures and information all about it.

Here's the homework:

None--they have finished all of their work!

  1. Math- workbook
  2. Essay Draft #3
  3. makeup work:
    1. Reading- Chapter 8 review
    2. Spanish- reflection paper AND p. 126-127 conjugation of three verbs
    3. memory verse
    4. Bible Activity
See you tomorrow!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday's Homework and Announcments

Hello All,

Just a reminder to bring your permission slips tomorrow to go on the field trip!
Here's the homework:

  1. Memory verse quiz tomorrow
  2. Bible- commandment sheet- make as many words as you can using the letters to "commandments"
  3. Reading- syllable worksheet- separate the syllables using lines
  4. Social Studies: Correct the answers to the Review section (p.76) using the book.  Write the answers to the incorrect questions using a complete sentence.
  1. Memory verse quiz tomorrow
  2. Math- Workbook
  3. Reading- Review Chapter 8, Essay draft #2
  4. Social Studies- Heiroglyph (which should be in color) message with your own heiroglyphs

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Please see the note that your child is bringin home for the field trip on Friday.

Here's the homework:

  1. to study for Spelling test Thursday
  2. Bible:  Memory Verse Friday
  3. Thematic Reading: Finish writing a story using 5 of the words from the Silent "e" worksheet.
  1. to study for Spelling test Thursday
  2. Spanish: Do reflection paper:
    a.  Did you answer all of the questions?
    b.  Did you work hard on your expansion project?
    c.    Did you do everything neatly?
    d.  What grade do you think you deserve?  Why?   
  3. Spanish: p. 123- Write question words down on this page (#3).
  4. Bible:  Memory Verse Friday
  5. Bible:  Dig Questions
  6. Math:  workbook
  7. Thematic Reading: Sensory Poem, Essay Draft 1
  8. Social Studies: PowerPoint based on your word from Lesson 2 about Egypt
  9. Makeup work:
    1. Bible: activity from lesson 16- last day is Thursday
    2. Thematic Reading- Vocabulary List

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday's Assignments

Tuesday has been a wonderful day, as our School Evaluation committee has been visiting with us.

The homework today is:

  1. to study for Spelling test on Thursday
  2. Memory Verse for quiz Friday
  3. Social Studies:  Natural Resources sheet:  write five ways that you can use the natural resource that you have chosen (wood, dirt, etc.)
  1. to study for Spelling test on Thursday
  2. Spanish: makeup- Activity
  3. Memory Verse for quiz Friday
  4. Bible: Makuep:  Activity
  5. Math- workbook
  6. Reading: Medieval Vocabulary List
    1. makeup work:  Finish outline for your essay (Essay due March 3).
That's it!  Thanks,

Mrs. B

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello All!

Please remember these two important things:

  1. Sunday we will have a Work Bee at school beginning at 9am.
  2. Monday there is no school.
Here's the homework:

  1. Bible:  workbook- finish pasting the pieces on the page.
  1. Spanish- Finish the extension project and worksheet
  2. Bible- Finish Activity
  3. Ready:  Due essay Outline
  4. Math- Workbook
That's it!  Have a wonderful weekend!!!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello everyone!

Here is the homework for today:

  1. Memory verse Luke 2:30
  2. Handwriting if not finished in class
  1. Bible Quest Worksheet
  2. Granada worksheet extension project (
  3. Math- workbook
  4. Social Studies activity worksheet (  
That's it!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Please remember these things:

  1. There is no school Monday, Feb. 20 for President's Day
  2. There is a School Work Bee on Sunday, 9am to get the school ready for the School Evaluation
  3. Parents need to turn their Parent Evaluations for the school
  4. On Tuesday at 3:30 pm parents can come and listen to the School Evaluation Committee's findings
Here's the homework for today:

  1. for Spelling test tomorrow
  2. Bible workbook
  3. Memory Verse
  4. Makeup:  redo the Social Studies workbook
  1. for Spelling test tomorrow
  2. Bible- lesson 16 Dig Questions 
  3. Math workbook
  4. Reading- Put essay ideas in chronological order
  5. Social Studies:
    1. Activity worksheet for Brown vs BOE
    2. makeup:  Graphic organizer
    3. ask 1 person from the sheet 15 questions
    4. guess how that person might answer 5 of the questions
That's it!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Today's Assignments

We had a great Valentine's Day!! Thank you parents for supporting our party by supplying delicious snacks for students to share.

Here is the homework for today:

  1. Study spelling words (
  2. Memory verse Luke 2:30
  3. Science Workbook pg. 18, 19

  1. Study spelling words (
  2. Granada worksheet extension project (
  3. Math- workbook
  4. Social Studies activity worksheet (  
That's it!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Today's Assignments

Today was a fun and busy day!  Please don't forget that tomrorow is our Valentine's Day Party so bring cards for your class mates and snacks for the party!

Here is the homework for today:

No home work today

  1. Study your spelling words
  2. Math- workbook  
That's it!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday's Homework

Today was a fun and busy day!  Please don't forget that tomrorow is Outreach so we will need to all be wearing our green school shirts!

Here is the homework for today:

  1. memory verse:  Matthew 1:21
  2. Bible-  finish coloring memory verse page
  3. Phonics book- finish pages
  1. memory verse:  Dan. 2:21-22
  2. Bible Activity Lesson 15
  3. Math- workbook
  4. Reading- Illumination memory verse
  5. make-up work:
    1. bible: Dig Questions
    2. reading: Ch. 7 review
That's it!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

I hope you've had a wonderful day!

There aren't too many assignments for tonight:


  1. for spelling bee tomorrow
  2. Bible: memory verse for Friday
  3. Handwriting book- finish your page
  4. Social Studies:  Write About it!  Write a day in the life of an underground railroad participant

  1. for spelling bee tomorrow
  2. Bible: memory verse for Friday
  3. Spanish project due tomorrow
  4. Math: workbook
  5. makeup:  Ch. 7 review for Reading & Bible Lesson 15 Dig Q's
Good luck!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello All,

-Remember that tomorrow is the final day to turn in the permission slips for Friday's Outreach to Loaves and Fishes.
-For Thursday, we will be having a practice banquet for the Upper Grades.  Each student will be bringing a snack to share with the class.  This is only for the upper grade students.

Here's the homework:

  1. for spelling bee
  2. Memory Verse card for quiz Friday
  3. Reading:  Shape poem
  4. Social Studies: Draw About it! George Washington Carver
  1. for spelling bee
  2. Memory Verse card for quiz Friday
  3. Bible:  Dig Questions
  4. Spanish:  Projects due Thursday, be working on them
  5. Reading- Chapter 7 review
  6. Social Studies:  Do your Manners & Ettiquette worksheet
that's it!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday's Assignments & Annoucements

Hello All,

Just to remind you of a couple of things: One, we are going to have Outreach this Friday at Loaves and Fishes so please remember to sign your child's permission slip. Two, on Tuesday, February 14th, we are going to have a class party for Valentine's Day.  We would like each child to bring a card for their classmates as well as a sweet treat to share with the class.

Here are the assignments for tonight:

Lower :
  1. to study the past three lists for the Spelling Bee Thursday
  2. Bible:  Memory Verse card for quiz Friday
  3. Phonics- finish assignments in book
  4. Social Studies:  George Washington Carver- Write About it!
  1. to study the past three lists for the Spelling Bee Thursday
  2. Spanish:  work on project due Thursday
  3. Bible:  Memory Verse card for quiz Friday
  4. Math- workbook

That's it!  Have a wonderful day!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello All,

Here is the homework and makeup work:

Lower: (no assigned work)

Makeup work-
  1. Social Studies- worksheet- Write About It!
  2. DOL
  1. Math
  2. Makeup work:
    1. Table Manner sheet
That's it!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday's Homework

Here's tonight's homework:

  1. Memory Verse Mark 1:2
  2. Social Studies: Write About it!  worksheet
  1. Bible: Memory verse
  2. Bible: Activity Lesson 14
  3. Math:  workbook
  4. Reading:  Finish building castle
  5. Reading makeup: finish charges
  6. Social Studies: Table Manners Sheet (parents should fill this out during tonight's dinner meal).
That's it!

Have a wonderful day!

Mrs. B :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

Today's Homework includes-

  1. for spelling test tomorrow
  2. memory verse quiz Friday Mark 1:2
  1. for spelling test tomorrow
  2. Makeup Spanish:  Practica A- due tomorrow
  3. Bible:  Dig Q's due TH/ Memory Verse
  4. Math- workbook
  5. Reading:
    1. Finish Chargers
    2. Build castle
    3. makeup: Chapter review 6 due F
Have a great!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday's Homework

Tuesday's Homework

  1. to study spelling
  2. Memory Verse Mark 1:2
  3. Finish Handwriting
  4. **Note:  not all students have to do #3
  1. to study spelling
  2. Spanish:  Make-up Practica A p. 64-65
  3. Bible:  memory verse Friday,
    1. makeup:  Dig Q's due TH
    2. makeup: Activity Lesson 12 due W
  4. Reading: Chapter 6 review
  5. Reading:  Castle building
  6. Social Studies:  make up "Lunch Room" summary
That's it!  Remember to hug your parents!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday's homework

It's Monday, please see below for your assignments:

  2. Memory Verse card:  Mark 1:2
  3. Finish writing your story about a bus
  4. Make flashcards for Social Studies based on landforms sheet
  2. Spanish: p. 64-65- Practica A;  All students finish Spanish projects that are LATE because of not doing them over the weekend
  3. Bible:  Dig Questions Lesson 14
  4. Math:  workbook
  5. Reading:  Note card definitions for Medieval Glossary
  6. Reading: Read Chapter 6 The Door in the Wall
  7. Rewrite "Lunch Room" from Manners & Etiquette in your own words

Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for the weekend.

Lower:  NONE!


1.  Bible Activity
2.  Spanish project-  please finish and be ready to present Monday
3.  mathe workbook

Make-up work:  Reading- definition sheet

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's tonight's homework:

  1. Memory Verse Quiz tomorrow.  That's it! 

  1. Bible:Memory verse quiz, Activity (due Monday)
  2. Spanish- work on your projects due Monday
  3. Math- workbook
  4. Makeup work:
    1. Reading: defintion sheet, Ch.5 review, poem reflection paragraph
Have a wonderful night!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

I hope you all had a wonderful day! 

Please don't forget to do your homework tonight!

Here it is:

  1. for the test tomorrow
  2. study memory verse card for Friday

  1. for spelling test tomorrow
  2. Begin Spanish project
  3. Bible- memory verse for Friday
  4. Reading:  definition sheet
  5. Makeup work
    1. Lesson 13 Dis Questions (Bible)
    2. Reading QAR worksheet, Ch. 5 review, Poem reflection sheet

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello All!

A reminder that tomorrow is the field trip so please don't forget to pack a parishable, easily transportable lunch as the students will be eating in SLO Mission park. 

Here's the homework!

  1. Memory Verse:  use card to continue memorizing Zechariah 8:13
  2. Phonics book- finish the assigned pages (with checkmarks on the page)
  3. Social Studies:  Continents worksheet


  1. Memory Verse- Lesson 13
  2. Math:  workbook
  3. Reading:  Chapter 5 Review
  4. Reading:  Finish poetry reflection paragraph
  5. Social Studies:  Finish p. 37
Makeup work:
Spanish:  conjugate necesitar and querer three times
Bible- Dig Q's Lesson 13

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday's Assignments & Annoucements


You should've received grades, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Also, the permission slip for Wednesday is coming home today so please be sure to get it signed and back to me tomorrow (Tuesday).

The homework for tonight is:

  1. Memory Verse- see the memory verse card (it is only part of the verse, Zech 8:13)
  2. Handwriting book- finish or correct the page you were working on
  3. Social Studies- Do the worksheet based on p. 42-43
  1. Spanish:  conjugate "necesitar" and "querer" three times each
  2. Bible:
    1. Lesson 13- Dig questions
    2. Memory Verse
  3. Math:  workbook
  4. Reading:  QAR worksheet
  5. Social Studies:  NONE
That's it!  Focus!  See you tomorrow :)

--Mrs. B

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello All,

Here is the homework for tonight:

1.  Finish p.3 in Social Studies workbook (People Together)

Makeup work-
  1. Spanish- 10 sentences using necesitar
  2. Bible- Activity
  3. Reading
    1. Handwriting 43
    2. Ch. 4 Review
  4. Social Studies
    1. Think About it Ch. 2, Lesson 2
See you at the Agape Feast!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for tonight:

  1. spellingcity for the test tomorrow
  2. Bible- memory verse Friday- Dan. 2:21
    1. worksheet/workbook about Daniel
  3. Social Studies- make a map of the classroom.  Use pp. G4-G7 as a reference. 

  1. spellingcity for the test tomorrow
  2. Spanish: 10 sentences using the verb "necesitar"
  3. Bible- memory verse Friday
  4. Reading-bring building materials for Castle project
  5. Social Studies- Do "Think about it" questions 1-5 (depending on grade).

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for today:

  1. to study the latest spelling words for the test Thursday
  2. Bible- Memory Verse Daniel 2:21
  3. Handwriting- finish the page you were working on
  4. Social Studies- Finish Treasure Hunt page.  Do "Write About It" page in complete sentences.

  1. to study the latest spelling words for the test Thursday
  2. Bible- Memory Verse.  Dig Questions from Lesson 12
  3. Math- Workbook
  4. Reading:
    1. Finish reading chapter 4 in The Door in the Wall
    2. Handwriting 43
    3. Ch. 3 Review
    4. Make-up work:  Adjective Search sheet 18a
Have a Blessed Day!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday's Homework and Announcments

Hello All,

Not too much tonight, though please remember to study for your memory verse quiz tomorrow!  Here's the homework:

  1. Memory Verse:  Jeremiah 31:33
  2. Science:  Make a poem about the seasons worksheet ( you will present tomorrow to the class)
  1.  Bible- Worksheet- 10 commandments AND Activity
  2. Math-  workbook
  3. Thematic Reading:  Adjective Search
  4. Science:  Finish webquest worksheets for presentation tomorrow

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for the night:

  1. to study for the spelling test
  2. Memory verse Friday- Jer. 31:33
  3. Science:  finish drawing a picture of the clouds

  1. to study for the spelling test
  2. Memory verse quiz Friday
  3. Reading:  Handwriting 41
  4. Bible:  start working on the activity for Friday in Bible
That's it!  Remember- Prayer meeting tonight!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for the blog.

  1. for the test on Thursday
  2. Memory Verse quiz- Friday Jer. 31:33
  3. Bible: workbook
  4. Science: Do an experiment on p. C33 and the share section (Gr. 1)
  5. Science:  finish worksheet (Gr. 3-4)
  2. Spanish:  project due tomorrow
  3. Bible:  makeup work- Lesson 11 Dig questions
  4. Memory Verse quiz Friday
  5. Math- workbook
  6. Reading- none
  7. Science:  webquest worksheet

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday's Assignments & Annoucements

Hello All,

There are a couple of announcements:
-We will have Outreach on Friday.  Please look for the permission slip to come home on Tuesday.
-This is the last week of the semester.  Grades will go out next week.
-Monday there is no school in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.


  1. Spelling to study for the Spelling Test on Thursday
  2. Memory Verse:  Jeremiah 31:33
  3. Weather Chart p. C29: make the chart and fill out Monday
  1. for spelling test Thursday
  2. Spanish:  work on project, which is due Wednesday
  3. Bible: Lesson 11, Dig Questions p. 96-97. 
  4. Memory Verse for Friday
  5. Math:  Workbook
  6. Reading:  Handwriting 40
  7. Science:  Webquest worksheet (finish by tomorrow)

Friday, January 6, 2012


Hello All,

There is no assigned homework, but there might be those who have REDO work or something of that nature.

Next week is the last week of the semester.  Please encourage your child to keep their grades and spirits up for this important milestone in the year.

Have a Blessed Weekend!

Mrs. B :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for tonight:


  1. Spelling test tomorrow: go to spelling city to study
  2. Bible:  finish drawing pictures to match the helpful tools
  3. Science:  Gr. 3- do flashcards for sugar
  1. Spelling test tomorrow:  spelling
  2. Spanish:  remember project is due Wednesday
  3. Bible:  work on Activity from p. 89
  4. Reading: 
    1. Character notes on Brother Luke to add to the sheet
    2. Venn Diagram comparing Robin and Peg
  5. Science:
    1. My Plate diet-Comparison of what you do and what you would like to do.
That's it!  Have a wonderful night!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday's Homework

Happy Tuesday! 
Please see below for homework. Everything is due tomorrow.

  1. to study spelling for quiz Thursday
  2. Bible- workbook
  3. Science:  Healthy vs. Junk food chart
Make-up work:  finish mobile

  1. to study for Thursday
  2. Spanish- write 10 sentences, using numbers between 100-1000.  Remember to write out the letters (example: novecientos trenta y uno).
  3. Bible- None
  4. Math- none
  5. Reading- Finish Chapter 2 review.  Handwriting 39.
  6. Science: Finish making a worksheet for a class member.  10 questions. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Homework for Monday

Hello All,

Happy New Year!  Below you will find the homework for tonight.

Lower Grades:

  1. Go to >>Find List>>Name of Teacher: Adrinna Beltre>>The Doorbell Rang 
    1. study the words on the list 
  2. Handwriting:  Finish the page (both sides) neatly 
  3. Science:  finish mobile (p. D45 has instructions)
Upper Grades:

  1. Go to >>Find List>>Name of Teacher: Adrinna Beltre>>The Door in the Wall, Jan 2-6, 2012
  2. Bible:  Dig a Little Deeper p. 88-89 (answer questions with complete sentences
  3. Reading:  Vocabulary Map 
  4. Science:  Activity page based on Nutrition (BrainPop)