
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Please remember that the permission slips are due tomorrow, or the students won't be able to go to the Outreach on Friday.
Also, the Parent/Teacher Conferences are on Tuesday and Wednesday during the coming week.

Here's the Homework:

  1. for the spelling test on Thursday
  2. Memory Verse- John 4:13/14a (first part)
  3. Bible-  Workbook- Lesson 28
  4. Reading: Phonics book to the page with a check mark
  5. Social Studies: Picture of the Last Supper and one sentence explanation
  1. for the spelling test on Thursday
  2. Memory Verse- Zechariah 4:6
  3. Bible makeup: Dig Questions due tomorrow
  4. Math: Workbook
  5. Reading: Journal #2
  6. Bible Makeup: Journal 1; Venn Diagram
  7. Social Studies: 1st person account of the Passover
That's it!  Have a great day :)

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