
Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday's Homework and Reminders

Hello All,

Two reminders:
  1. Parent/Teacher Conferences begin tomorrow
  2. Students need to bring headphones to class tomorrow
Here's the homework:

  1. spelling for spelling test Thursday
  2. Memory Verse:  John 8:12
  3. Social Studies: Local Government- Write About it!
  1. spelling for spelling test Thursday
  2. Memory Verse: John 16:33
  3. Spanish:  Webquest- Introduction
  4. Bible- Dig Questions Lesson 23 #1-6
  5. Math- Workbook
  6. Reading- Finish the reflection sheet
    1. Draw Antarctica with latitude and longsitude lines. Color the sea blue.  Draw Antarctic Circle.
  7. Social Studies:  Ch. 7, Lesson1- write all bold blue words and their definitions. 
That's it! 

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