
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday's Homework

Hello All,

Remember that tomorrow we have more P/T Conferences.

Here's the homework for today:

  1. for spelling test THursday
  2. Memory Verse:  John 8:12
  3. Bible-  Workbook pp. 85-87
  4. Write About it (Makeup work)
  1. for spelling test THursday
  2. Memory Verse: John 16:33
  3. Math- Workbook
  4. Reading:  Journal question #3- What do you think of Conlan's work?  Suppoer your answers with info from the reading.
  5. Social Studies:  Activity based on Ch. 7 lesson 1 (due tomorrow)
    1. Gr. 4-  Draw two pictures showing how Chinese farmers along the Huang managed the river
    2. Gr. 6- Write a day in the life of a farmer along the Huang River with special attention to the battles with the river
    3. Gr. 7/8- Do research on how the river's course has changed over the year.  Then write a report about it (one page), with illustrations about how it has changed in the report.
That's it!  Have a great day!

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