
Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday's Reminders and Homework

Hello All,

Please see the note that I have sent home about tomorrow's Scholarship Fair.

Also, plesae remember that next week there is no school for Memorial Day (Monday), and we have our school picnic.  More about that later in the week though.

Here's the Homework:
  1. to review the past six (6) lists for the spelling bee on Thursday.
  2. No memory verse
  3. Social Studies- Harriet Tubman Write About It! for Brain Pop
  4. Redo:  Social Studies-Write About It! 13 Colonies:  The students should imagine that they are a colonist back in the 1600's.  They should write a diary entry of a typical day.  We've already read about it, talked about it, and watched a video about it.  Remember, it should be about life in the 1600's.
  1. to review the past six (6) lists for the spelling bee on Thursday.
  2. Spanish- memorize your Spanish script for Maryann and Derek's script.
  3. Math- workbook
  4. Reading-
    1. Bring magazine article to class
    2. Essay Draft #2 due Wednesday
  5. Social Studies- Part 1 for Project
That's it! 
Thanks :)

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