
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello All,

Please remember that on thursday, March 8, the students need to be at school by 6:45 (dressed in uniform) for the Art Gallery & Auction.  This is going to be a big event so remember to bring your friends and family to watch your child present their work and to bid of course.

  1. Ask your child for the card they made for their mom today (if they didn't already give it to you).
  2. to study for test of Thursday 
  3. Memory Verse for quiz Friday 
  4. Bible- workbook- finish last page
    1. students color pictures and glue the pictures onto the page
  1. to study for test of Thursday
  2. Memory Verse for quiz Friday
  3. Math- workbook
That's it! 
Thanks :)

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