
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday's Homework and Announcments

Hello All,

1.  Please remember that tomrrow is the Moolah Auction.  Each student should bring a small item to add to the auction (can be genly used item from home) such as school supplies or toys. 
2.  Please also remember that the students will be singing this Sabbath.  Please have them at church no later 10:45 to warm up in the Primaries classroom (across the hall from the Pastor's class). They should wear their choir uniform (black pants and shoes, and a white dress shirt or polo).

Here's the homework!

  1. memory verse for tomorrow
  2. Makeup- Bible Workbook (Maxwell)
  3. Card for Dad- please ask for this, they finished it in class.
  4. Social Studies:
    1. Draw About it!
    2. Write About it! (Alex)
  1. memory verse for tomorrow
  2. Math- Workbook
  3. Spanish:  Project due Wednesday
  4. Social Studies:  Webquest due tomorrow
That's it!

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