
Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday's Assignments & Annoucements


You should've received grades, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Also, the permission slip for Wednesday is coming home today so please be sure to get it signed and back to me tomorrow (Tuesday).

The homework for tonight is:

  1. Memory Verse- see the memory verse card (it is only part of the verse, Zech 8:13)
  2. Handwriting book- finish or correct the page you were working on
  3. Social Studies- Do the worksheet based on p. 42-43
  1. Spanish:  conjugate "necesitar" and "querer" three times each
  2. Bible:
    1. Lesson 13- Dig questions
    2. Memory Verse
  3. Math:  workbook
  4. Reading:  QAR worksheet
  5. Social Studies:  NONE
That's it!  Focus!  See you tomorrow :)

--Mrs. B

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