
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello All,

-Remember that tomorrow is the final day to turn in the permission slips for Friday's Outreach to Loaves and Fishes.
-For Thursday, we will be having a practice banquet for the Upper Grades.  Each student will be bringing a snack to share with the class.  This is only for the upper grade students.

Here's the homework:

  1. for spelling bee
  2. Memory Verse card for quiz Friday
  3. Reading:  Shape poem
  4. Social Studies: Draw About it! George Washington Carver
  1. for spelling bee
  2. Memory Verse card for quiz Friday
  3. Bible:  Dig Questions
  4. Spanish:  Projects due Thursday, be working on them
  5. Reading- Chapter 7 review
  6. Social Studies:  Do your Manners & Ettiquette worksheet
that's it!

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