
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday's Homework and Announcments

1.  Please remember that tomrrow we are doing Outreach so everyone should wear their Green Shirts.
2.  Tomorrow is the Secret Wise men gift giving so don't forget your gifts!

Take a look at the homework below: 

  1. Memory Verse- Hebrews 11:17
  2. Write spelling words 5 times to prepare for Redo Spelling test
  3. Make up work- Finish bible workbook

  1. Memory Verse- Hebrews 11:17-18
  2. Write Spelling words and definitions (if you didn't pass the test)
  3. Thematic Reading:  Redo worksheet from yesterday/ Vocabulary List from Medieval Glossary
  4. Science: Tree Bark Poster
  Make-up work:  Science question: Find food that has all necessary nutrients

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday's Homework and Announcments

  1. Remember that tomorrow is dress rehersal so bring your sandlas and everything else you need in order to practice at the church.
  2. Remember also to bring the money for the tickets unless you think you'll sell them over the weekend.

Lower Grades:
  1. Read one page of your take-home stories to your parents
  2. draw your pictures for the Science projects
Upper Grades:
  1. Thematic Reading- using a written work, write down eight sentences.  Underline the adjectives, and draw an arrow to the noun.
  2. Science- Finish your owl, mouse, nut mobiles.
Make-up work:
  1. Spelling story due tomorrow (F)
  2. Science Excretory Story due tomorrow (F)
  3. Spelling definitions- due by Monday (you will stay in)
  4. Spanish projects redo and finish- due Monday

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements


  2. This Saturday is the Christmas Program

  1. Upper
    1. Spanish Project:  Translate three songs, a hymn, a flamenco song, and a Christmas Carol (the first verse) and present tomorrow
    2. Spelling test
    3. Science- Procedure for sifting mud
  2. Lower
    1. Spelling test tomorrow
    2. Read one story from your reading packet with your parents
    3. Science worksheet
Make-up work

  1. Spelling story (Friday)
  2. Science Excretory System (Friday)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Remmeber:  Sell those tickets guys!

Lower grades

  1. Spelling test Thursday
  2. Spelling sentences
  3. Science:  finish worksheet
  4. Read one story tonight with your parents

  1. Spelling- finish story
  2. Spanish- finish project due Thursday
  3. Thematic Reading
    1. Capitalization sheet
    2. Thanksgiving vs Middle Ages Feast
  4. Science- Excretory System Story
  5. Handwriting Session 1
That's it!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas fundraiser and homework

Christmas Black Tie Fundraiser
THAS is having a black tie fundraiser. All proceeds will go to support the tuition of the students at THAS.
When: 12/17/11 @ 7:00 P.M.
Where: American Legion Hall
805 S. Main St., Templeton, CA, 93465
What: The event will include: a full dinner, dessert, a Christmas concert, and a silent auction. This will be a formal event, so we encourage all to come dressed in their best.

Parents please see the letter that I sent home today so you will have more information.

  1. Spelling- study for test
  1. Spelling- study for test Thursday
  2. Spanish - continue working on the project
  3. Thematic Reading- Medieval Vocab list
  4. Science- finish filling out reaction times sheet
That's it for now! -Mrs. B

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for tonight:

1.  All grades have a spelling test tomorrow.


  1. Thematic Reading:  Presentation due tomorrow so- PPT presentation, armor, knight's journal is due
  2. Math- One page
  3. Science: p. 301 project due at the end of the class period tomorrow

  1. Both grades read a story from your reading folder
  2. Both grades rewrite your spelling story

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday's Assignments & Annoucements

Announcement:  Remember that this Saturday night we are going to be a part of the Paso Robles Christmas Parade.  More details soon!


Upper:  Study spelling words
math- One page finished
Thematic Reading-KWL chart

Finish one story from your take-home reading list
-Study spelling words

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday's Assignments & Annoucements

Hello All,

Remember there is a Science Fair tonight!  Remember to be here by 6:00pm!

Tonight's homework-

Gr. 1- Finish your story about the frog that you made today

Gr. 3-  Bring back all of the homework that I sent home to your parents.

Upper Grades- Do Kid's View Adverbs assignment
-Remember tomorrow is the Spanish Class fashion show

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday's Homework

Reminder:  Tomorrow the Science Fair projects are due!


  1. Night & Day worksheet
  2. Spelling test tomorrow
  3. Gr.1-  Reading page with questions
  4. Gr. 3- Make-up work packet, English p. 115, Job worksheet
  1. Science Project due tomorrow
  2. Spelling test tomorrow
  3. Thematic Reading:  Adverb definitions workshet
  4. Reading Workshop: Workshop
Make-up work:

Lower & Upper- Spelling story- use your spelling words to make up a story

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello All!

Tonight is Open House!  Please invite your friends and family because it will be really fun and we're going to do a lot of interactive activities.

For homework tonight, not too much.  But here it is:

  1. Spelling words-  make a story that you can share with the class using all of your spelling words
  2. Thematic reading:  Adverb worksheet
  3. Math- finish two pages and correct it
  4. Make up work:  Tree Scents worksheet
  1. Spelling words- remember to study for Spelling test
  2. Bible worksheet for Job
  3. Gr. 1:  Reading sheet (Dogs)
  4. Gr. 3:  Makeup work and Reading folder (do question section)
  5. Gr. 3:  English p. 115

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday's Assignments & Annoucements

Announcement: Remember the Open House is tomorrow!

Upper Grades:
  1. Spelling test on Friday
  2. Bible- Dig questions
  3. Science- Be working on Project Presentations for Thursday
Lower grades:

  1. Spelling Test on Friday
  2. Bible- coloring sheet
  3. Gr. 3:  Reading sheet
Make-up work:
*Tree Scent worksheet from Friday.  This is due Wednesday!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday Night's Homework and Annoucements

Hello All,

It's that time again for the homework assignments:

Upper:  memory verse quiz tomorrow- Genesis 6:17,18
-Also, remember to be working on your Science Projects (due Nov. 17)

Lower: memory verse quiz tomorrow- Genesis 6:18

Also remember that we have Open House on Tuesday!

Have a great night!

-Mrs. B :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All!

Remember, Outreach is Friday so wear your green shirts!

Lots to do tonight! 

Remember Upper grades:  Spanish Project is due tomorrow.

Lower:  Spelling quiz and memory verse

Upper: Essay- begin to work on the final draft
Science- work on Science experiment

1.  Essay Drafts
2.  Circulatory System

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

TUESDAY: announcements and homework

Announcements- please remember to bring your permission slips to class tomorrow. 
Also, don't forget that this Sunday is the Apple Pie bake at the school.

lower-  food pyramid, memory verse, and spelling words

upper-  science questions, essay draft #3, and memory verse

make up work-

  1. essay draft 1
  2. essay draft 2
  3. circulatory system definitions

Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday's Homework

Hello All,

Announcements:  We have a Special Feature so please come to church tomorrow to see it.  Also, we will show the bi-weekly video newsletter.

Here's the homework:

For lower grades, there is no homework.

For upper grades:  remember to write your Thematic Reading Persuasive Essay. 

Make-up:    Some of you are missing the following assignments-

Science Project- hypothesis and project paper

Spelling test

Memory Verse- John 4: 9,10

Outline for Persuasive Essay

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

Today's homework is:

1.  Bible- Upper: 1 Jn 4:9,10/ Lower: Ex 20:13

2.  Spelling test tomorrow for all grades.

3.  Thematic reading: Upper- outline for essay  AND Venn Diagram

4.  Reading Workshop:  Sammy Presentation

5.  Science: Lower- answer questions on p. D37

Make-up work:

Thematic Reading: Brainstorming sheet AND Persuasive Paper

Science:  worksheet AND paperwork for project

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello All,

First of all, please remember that this Saturday, October 29, all students will be doing their Outreach on Saturday night.  We will meet at the school at 6pm.  If your child needs a ride, please let me know.

  1. Spelling words
  2. Memory verse- Ex. 20:13 (The Clear Word for Kids)
  3. Science (cold and flu): Get well card
  1. Spelling words
  2. Memory Verse- 1 John 4:9, 10
  3. Thematic Reading: Brainstorming for essay AND finish reading Chapter 15 of Small Steps
  4. Science:  Fill out the first three portions of the Science Experiment Sheet (procedure is how you will complete the science project).
Make up work:
1.  Turn in hypothesis for Science Project AND Parental permission for your science project

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday's Homework

Hello All,

It's another weekend, and Sabbath is upon us.  Please see below for the homework assignments:

Gr. 1- Redo the memory verse (Heb. 11:4, first part).  Turn in coloring page (it was due Friday).
Gr. 3- None!
Upper Grades-
Bible- Activity A-D, you choose (most of you chose posters).
Thematic Reading- Extension project (some of you chose macaroni) due Monday (remember, there is no grace period for this one).
Science:  Be working on designing and implementing your project
Make-up work:  Science:  Review it- p. 210, 217, 219, 221
Science Projects- turn in hypothesis

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday's Homework and Announcments


Okay here is the homework:

Gr. 1- finish Bible coloring project AND study memory verse- Heb. 11:4
Gr. 3- Study memory verse Heb. 11:4
Upper Grades:  Study for the Science Test

Make-up work:

David, Derek: Turn in Science Project background sheets and Parent Permission form, as well as your hypothesis. 

That's it!

Have a great night!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

Don't forget it's Prayer Meeting tonight at 7pm!

Here's the homework for tonight:

  1. Study for spelling test tomorrow
  2. Study memory verse Friday
  1. Study for spelling test tomorrow
  2. Finish Spanish project
  3. Science:  read pp. 219-222 and do the Review Its on pp. 210, 217, 219, 221
That's it!  Do your homework!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Homework for Tuesday

Hello All,

Here's the homework for tonight:

  1. Spelling words
  2. Memory verse: Hebrews 11:4 (first part)
  1. Spelling test Thursday
  2. Spanish projects dur Thursday
  3. Bible:  Dig a Little Deeper question (your choice)
  4. Handwriting #31
  5. Thematic Reading: Extension project

Science:  p. 167- Research project (see yesterday's blog for details)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday's Assignments

Hello All,

Here is the homework and make-up work for today:

Lower Grades:
  1. Spelling: test on Thursday
  2. Science: 
    1. Grades 3-4- finish diagramming the system that you have chosen
    2. Grade 1- Draw something that you can do now that you couldn't do as a baby
Upper Grades:
  1. Bible-  p. 35 A-D, you choose
  2. Thematic Reading:  Extension Activity due Monday
  3. Science:  p. 167 Research Activity- #1 or #3
Make-up work:
Thematic Reading- Summarize chapter 13- 8-12 sentences depending on grade
Science- Turn in hypothesis for the science project

That's it! Have a great night!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday homework

Hello All,

Here is the homework for the weekend:

Spanish: Gr. 3-8 have chosen a project that is due Thursday

1.  Math worksheet

  1. Bible activity- p. 35 A-D, you choose
  2. Thematic Reading: Character Analysis sheet
  3. Science: hypothesis due for Science Project
That's it!  Have a Happy Sabbath!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Please remember to sign the permission slip for next week's field trip to Avila Valley Barn, it is due tomorrow.


Lower Grades-
  1. Spelling test tomorrow
  2. John 1:29 memory verse quiz Friday
  3. Gr. 1- Phonics
Upper Grades-
  1. Spelling test tomorrow
  2. Begin working on Spanish project
  3. Science:  Mitosis vs. Meiosis project
  4. Bible: memory verse quiz Friday- Gen 1:26, 27
  5. Thematic reading: Summary Chapter 13
    1. Gr. 4-6: 8 + sentences
    2. Gr. 7-8: 12+ sentences
Make-up work:  Some people have failed to turn in the following assignments.  They are no longer eligible for an "A" or "excellent" on the assignment:

Bible:  Choose on Dig question from p. 34 to answer
Science:  3 sheets-
1.  Background sheet for the Science Project
2.  Science Project sheet with parent's signature
3.  Answer to question based on reading
Thematic Reading:
1.  Fears and Phobias Chart
2.  8 sentences based on the sets of words we talked about in class

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Announcements and Tuesday's homework

Hello All,

Announcement- The students will be going to Avila Barn next week so please remember to sign the permission slip return it by Thursday.


Lower Grades:
  1. memory verse: John 1:29 (1st part)
Upper Grades:

  1. memory verse: Genesis 1:24, 25
  2. Bible- Dig question
    1. Gr. 4-6 choose one
    2. Gr. 7-8 choose #4, 5, 6
  3. Thematic Reading-Fear & Phobias Chart
  4. Science:
    1. Background science project sheet
    2. Science Project Proposal Form
    3. Answer questions based on the cell

Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday: WebQuest, Camp Wawona, and shorter week

Hello All,

Just a couple of reminders about the coming week:

  1. The webquest for Bible was cancelled because of the absence of one of the group leaders.  therefore the presentaqtion will be on Friday. Please remember to bring all materials to class.
  2. Camp Wawona:  we will be leaving for Camp Wawona at 1:45 from school.  Please remember to bring everything that you need for the trip that morning with you to school.
  3. Shorter week hours: From Tuesday to Thursday, the school day will be shortened from a 3:05 pickup to a 2:15 pickup.  Please remember to pick your child up at the appropriate time.  Thank you.
Have a great weekend!

-Mrs. B.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday's Homework and Announcments

Hello Al,

Just a reminder that tomorrow is the rummage sale and we are going to be helping in the morning with organizing.

The homework for tomorrow is:

  1. Memory Verse- Proverbs 3:5
  1. Memory Verse- Rev. 12:7-9
  2. Present WebQuest for Bible
  3. Science Project topic

  1. Handwriting session 28 due Friday
  2. Science experiment paper due tomorrow

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

A couple of announcements:
  1. The students are bringing home an envelope with info about next week's schedule and Camp Wawona.  It also contains their grades up to this point so please take a look and sign the attached sheet, then send it with your child back to school.
  2. Reminder: Friday is the Rummage Sale so please try to make it!

Lower Grades:
  1. Memory verse- Proverbs 3:5
  2. Spelling Bee tomorrow
Upper Grades:
  1. Memory verse Rev. 12:7-9 Friday
  2. Webquest due Friday
  3. Spellign Bee Thursday
Make-up work:
  1. Spanish Project- last day to turn in and present is Thursday
  2. Opinion- proof paper- last last day to turn in is Thursday
  3. Handwriting session 28
  4. Science experiment explanation

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday Homework

Lower Grades:
  1. memory verse
Upper Grades:
  1. Bible- p. 25 Choose project B, C, or D to present to class
  2. Spanish- Project Thursday
  3. Thematic Reading- Read chapter 8-9/ knock-knock jokes
Make-up work:

Reading- Essay or picture about Romans 8:28
Reading: 5/6- find verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and nouns. 1 sentence each with the page number.
7/8- find verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and nouns. 2 sentences each with the page number.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday's Homework

Lower Grades
  1. Spelling test tomorrow
  2. Science: stem and roots flashcards

Upper Grades
  1. Spelling test tomorrow
  2. Spanish: Project due tuesday
  3. Reading: Romans 8:28 Essay or Picture based on verse
  4. Science: scientific method mini project
  5. Make-up
    1. Road map sheet
    2. Redo work
    3. Brain Pop: Flowchart
    4. Bible: Dig questions & journal
    5. Reading: Vocab list

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday's Assignments & Annoucements

Hello All,

Announcements:  Just a quick reminder that the Car Wash is this week on Friday from 12-3.  If parents would like to come and help out, please feel free! 


Lower Grades-
  1. Spelling test Thursday
  2. Memory Verse- Proverbs 18:12 (say or write it Friday)
Upper Grades-
  1. Handwriting Session 27
  2. Spelling test Thursday
  3. Thematic Reading: Continue doing Road Map sheet based on Peg's life

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday homework

Hello All!

There is no assignmed homework, but there are those who still need to turn them in.

Gr. 1- None

Gr. 3- Study for Spelling test to redo on Monday

Upper Grades- 
- Sticky note worksheet due Monday

Gr. 8-Character compare sheet due Monday

That's it!
Have a blessed Sabbath!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday's Homework and Announcments

Good Evening All!

Important Announcement:  For grades 5-8, the paperwork for Camp Wawona is for due tomorrow.  Please send the packet back with your child to be processed.  

There is no assigned homework for tonight but there is makeup work that needs to be turned in, and is due by tomorrow.

Make-up work:
  1. Iron Lung research paper
  2. Webquest
  3. Handwriting
  4. Sticky note guidelines search page

That’s it!  Have a great night!

-Mrs. B

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Hello Everyone!

For the parents of those in grades 5-8 please remember to fill out and sign the paperwork for Camp Wawona.


Lower Grades:  Spelling test tomorrow
Gr. 1-  Finish coloring angel sheet

Upper Grades:  Spelling test tomorrow
-Sticky note guidelines sheet

Make-up work:

-All 7/8 graders- Iron Lung research paper
-Handwriting sheet

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello and Happy Tuesday!

Again, the homework for this week is light as it is assessment testing week and we want the students to have time to recover from test-taking in the evening.

Lower grades:  Study for spelling

Upper Grades:
  1. Finish reading chapters 5 & 6 in Small Steps
  2. Handwriting sheet session 26
  3. Spelling:  study for test Thursday
Make-up work:
  1. All 7/8 graders need turn in Iron Lung paragraph. Please finish it.
  2. Finish WebQuest for Science

Monday, September 12, 2011

Announcements and Monday's homework

Hello All,

Today I sent home a letter about some of the upcoming events at our school.  Be sure to check with your child. Some of it is time-sensitive (Camp Wawona field trip) so be sure to look at everything.

Today there aren't a lot of assignments because we are in the process of doing ITBS testing, so here is what needs to be done:

Grades 7/8:  Write a paragraph based on the research you do on the Iron Lung (answer the 4 questions you wrote down in the paragraph). Due tomorrow in class.

Make-up work:

1.  Memory Verse quiz
2.  Science webquest, due Wedesday
3.  Spanish project- finish

Friday, September 9, 2011

ITBS testing and make-up work

Hello All,

An announcement about ITBS.  We will be starting ITBS testing this coming week.  Please make sure that your child gets enough rest and eats a balanced breakfast before coming to school so that they will be able to perform at their best level. 

Homework:  There is only make-up work for this weekend-

Spelling Test- For those who didn't get at least 80% on the spelling test, you will need to retake it on Monday during lunch.

Memory Verse- Some of you haven't passed the Memory Verse quiz yet, so please study to retake it this Monday at Lunch.

Science webquest:  both teams should finish their webquest this weekend and return it.

Spanish Project:  for those who haven't finished their science project, they need to do so.

Bible Activity p.9-  Please complete one activity and bring it to class.

Thematic Reading Poem- Please finish the Poem about the Iron Lung if you haven't completed it.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday night's homework

Lower Grades:  
make up spelling test  
memory verse: Psalm 9:2

Upper Grades: 
memory verse (you choose your own) or Ezekiel 28:17
make up spelling test
Bible: p. 17: choose to do one of the activities A-D
Thematic Reading: Finish the two stanza rhyming poem 

That's it!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

Since it was a short week there aren't too many assignments:

Upper Grades: Memory Verse Psalm 9:2 for quiz Friday
* Spelling test tomorrow
Lower Grades: choose your own memory verse
* Spelling test tomorrow

Make-up work:
* Paragraph for the Quality world paper
*Make-up memory verse quiz

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday's Work--back to school!

Hello All,

It was back to school after Labor Day and I think everyone is tired! 

 But, we have some work to do, so let's do it!

Upper Grades:
  1. Spelling: quiz on Thursday
  2. Spanish: Project due tomorrow
  3. Bible:
    1. Journal: What does "pride goes before a fall" mean to you?
    2. Memory Verse- choose your own
    3. Finish Dig Question
  4. Reading:  Character Comparison Sheet
Lower Grades:
  1. Spelling: quiz on Friday
  2. Bible: Memory Verse-Psalm 9:2

Friday, September 2, 2011

Weekend Homework & Labor Day

Happy Friday!

It's almost Sabbath, but there a couple things I need to remind you of.

There wasn't any assinged homework per se, but some of the students had makeup work to do.

  1. Memory Verse- Revelation 1:8
  2. Thematic reading corrections
Also, please note that Monday is Labor Day and there will be no school.

Have  a blessed Sabbath and rest of the weekend!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday's Homework

Upper grades: Memory Verse Rev 1:8

Lower grades: Memory Verse Colossians 1:15
1st Grade: redo spelling test
Science: comic sheet

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Today's Assignments

Hello All!  Here's the homework for today:

Lower Grades:
  1. mem.vs colossians 3:15
  2. color organs inside human body
  3. Spelling test tomorrow
Upper Grades:
  1. mem.vs-Rev.1:8
  2. Bible- p.9 do one the activities (A-D)
  3. Reading: 5/6: 3 verses to encourage Peg
  4. Reading 7/8: You are a nurse- write a letter to Peg using 5 bible verses to encourage her
That's it!   Have fun and try to finish :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday's Homework

Lower Grades
  1.  Memory Verse: Colossians 3:15 (first part) quiz on Friday
  2. Spelling quiz- Thursday
  3. Bible:  3rd Grade:  workbook- finish page 1
  4. Science: fill out Organs of the Body worksheet
Upper Grades
  1. Memory Verse: Revelation 1:8 quiz on Friday
  2. Spelling quiz: Thursday
  3. Reading:  Finish reading chapter 2 in Small Steps; Draw a picture of Peg in the hospital
Makeup work: (due tomorrow)

1.  Bible p. 8 #3- Do a visual representation of how God has revealed himself to people
2.  Finish Quality World poster to present in class

Monday, August 29, 2011

Homework for Monday, August 29

Hello All!  Here's the homework for tonight:

Lower Grades: Bible- Col. 3:15 first part

Upper Grades:
  1. Memory Verse: Revelation 1:8
  2. Bible- p. 8 #3- do a visual representation of one of the ways that God has revealed himself to people.
  3. Handwriting sheet #24
  4. Make-up work: 200 words describing the quality world poster and the quality world poster to present tomorrow
That's all for today.  Have fun! :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Homework for today

Hello Parents,
Gradres 6-8: Today the students have to finish their math pages if not finished.
Gr. 1-2: color their lamp page.
 Thats all for today.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Homework for today

 The stundents homework for tonight is that they have to finish the quality world questions.  That is all they have for tonight.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day of School

Today was the first official day of school, and what a day!  We learned lots of procedures, and even did a fire drill! 
Here's the homework for tonight:

Gr. 1-2: Parents study the PE rules for oral quiz tomorrow

Gr. 3-8: Study the PE rules for the quiz tomorrow

That's it!  Not too much for today.  Remember to study!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Upcoming Events

Hello All and Happy Monday!  I just wanted to make you aware of a few items that will be coming up soon: 

1.  August 17: Open Registration closes- all applications received at this point.
2.  August 19: Orientation
3.  August 23- The First Day of School (best to get there at 8:00)

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me!

Mrs. B. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

School Remodel News

Last Sunday marked the beginning of a school-wide modernization that we plan to continue throughout the year and over the next few years.  Here are some pictures of the new classroom and surrounding property (all courtesy of Luis Beltre).

Monday, August 8, 2011

Open House

Hello All!
Welcome to our blog.  This is the space where we will be posting daily homework assignments, our bi-weekly digital newsletter, and so much more!  If you would like to check out our calendar, you can go to our website at, or to our wiki at
Just so you can get a taste of what it will be like, I'm posting a homework assignment for everyone:

Subject: Open House
Assingment: Find out from one of the students what their favorite subject is and why.

Thanks for visiting!

Mrs. B

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Final Day of Technology Class

Techonology Class has been a wonderful experience.  I've met people. discussed with them about the Religious topics and other things (ANTM), and in the end am happy that I took the class.  I'm super-excited to get back to school because there are so many things that I want to add to my curriculum like the students using the blog, updating the calendar, and using the wiki.  It's awesome!  Also there might be a chance to get some funding for new technologies that I would love to have in my classroom and school.  In the end, I think that God has blessed me to take this class, actually all of the PUC classes I've taken.  And now, armed with this new and exciting information, I will go forth and TEACH!
-Mrs. B.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Come Back!!!!

Hi Students.  It's been a pretty lonely summer.  Only a few kids have been here to hang out, and I really miss you guys.  Please come and visit me soon okay?  Love you guys!

-The School