
Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday's Assignments

Hello All,

Here is the homework and make-up work for today:

Lower Grades:
  1. Spelling: test on Thursday
  2. Science: 
    1. Grades 3-4- finish diagramming the system that you have chosen
    2. Grade 1- Draw something that you can do now that you couldn't do as a baby
Upper Grades:
  1. Bible-  p. 35 A-D, you choose
  2. Thematic Reading:  Extension Activity due Monday
  3. Science:  p. 167 Research Activity- #1 or #3
Make-up work:
Thematic Reading- Summarize chapter 13- 8-12 sentences depending on grade
Science- Turn in hypothesis for the science project

That's it! Have a great night!

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