
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Please remember to sign the permission slip for next week's field trip to Avila Valley Barn, it is due tomorrow.


Lower Grades-
  1. Spelling test tomorrow
  2. John 1:29 memory verse quiz Friday
  3. Gr. 1- Phonics
Upper Grades-
  1. Spelling test tomorrow
  2. Begin working on Spanish project
  3. Science:  Mitosis vs. Meiosis project
  4. Bible: memory verse quiz Friday- Gen 1:26, 27
  5. Thematic reading: Summary Chapter 13
    1. Gr. 4-6: 8 + sentences
    2. Gr. 7-8: 12+ sentences
Make-up work:  Some people have failed to turn in the following assignments.  They are no longer eligible for an "A" or "excellent" on the assignment:

Bible:  Choose on Dig question from p. 34 to answer
Science:  3 sheets-
1.  Background sheet for the Science Project
2.  Science Project sheet with parent's signature
3.  Answer to question based on reading
Thematic Reading:
1.  Fears and Phobias Chart
2.  8 sentences based on the sets of words we talked about in class

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