
Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday: WebQuest, Camp Wawona, and shorter week

Hello All,

Just a couple of reminders about the coming week:

  1. The webquest for Bible was cancelled because of the absence of one of the group leaders.  therefore the presentaqtion will be on Friday. Please remember to bring all materials to class.
  2. Camp Wawona:  we will be leaving for Camp Wawona at 1:45 from school.  Please remember to bring everything that you need for the trip that morning with you to school.
  3. Shorter week hours: From Tuesday to Thursday, the school day will be shortened from a 3:05 pickup to a 2:15 pickup.  Please remember to pick your child up at the appropriate time.  Thank you.
Have a great weekend!

-Mrs. B.

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