
Friday, September 9, 2011

ITBS testing and make-up work

Hello All,

An announcement about ITBS.  We will be starting ITBS testing this coming week.  Please make sure that your child gets enough rest and eats a balanced breakfast before coming to school so that they will be able to perform at their best level. 

Homework:  There is only make-up work for this weekend-

Spelling Test- For those who didn't get at least 80% on the spelling test, you will need to retake it on Monday during lunch.

Memory Verse- Some of you haven't passed the Memory Verse quiz yet, so please study to retake it this Monday at Lunch.

Science webquest:  both teams should finish their webquest this weekend and return it.

Spanish Project:  for those who haven't finished their science project, they need to do so.

Bible Activity p.9-  Please complete one activity and bring it to class.

Thematic Reading Poem- Please finish the Poem about the Iron Lung if you haven't completed it.

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