
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

A couple of announcements:
  1. The students are bringing home an envelope with info about next week's schedule and Camp Wawona.  It also contains their grades up to this point so please take a look and sign the attached sheet, then send it with your child back to school.
  2. Reminder: Friday is the Rummage Sale so please try to make it!

Lower Grades:
  1. Memory verse- Proverbs 3:5
  2. Spelling Bee tomorrow
Upper Grades:
  1. Memory verse Rev. 12:7-9 Friday
  2. Webquest due Friday
  3. Spellign Bee Thursday
Make-up work:
  1. Spanish Project- last day to turn in and present is Thursday
  2. Opinion- proof paper- last last day to turn in is Thursday
  3. Handwriting session 28
  4. Science experiment explanation

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