
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Please remember that the students will get out tomorrow at 12:00pm to begin Spring Break.  Third quarter will resume on Tuesday, April 3, 2012. Tomorrow there will be a sub for the last hour and a half of the day.  But please make sure your child is in class though, as there is quite a bit of work that they have to turn in the beginning of the day, as well as two quizzes and a project (for upper graders).  See below. 

  1. for Bee tomorrow
  2. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow
  3. Bible-  worksheet
  4. Reading-  Handwriting sheet
  1. for Bee tomorrow
  2. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow
  3. Bible- worksheet
  4. Reading- Final Project
  5. Math- Workbook

That's it!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello All,

Please remember that this is the last week of the quarter, and Spring Break begins Thursday at 12:00pm.  Please be sure to make arrangements for your child to be picked up at 12:00pm as there willl be a Friday Schedule.  Please also remember that school will resume on Tuesday, April 3 @ 8:15am.

Here's the homework:

  2. Memory Verse (Matthew 21:15 middle part)
  3. Social Studies:  Market Place Goods and Services
    1. The students are making cards that represent goods and services.
    2. Two cards should say goods, and two cards should say services
    3. The cards are ideas for coupons of goods and services that they could do for someone else.
    4. Tomorrow they will bring the cards to school and trade them with each other.
    5. In the end they will present their four cards to people they can provide a good or service to.
  2. Memory Verse
  3. Spanish Project: DUE TOMORROW
  4. Social Studies Project:  DUE TOMORROW

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday's Homework

Hello All,

Please remember that the Open House will be tonight at 6pm.  Students need to be here at 5:40 in order to prepare for their participation.

The homework tonight is a bit lighter, but there are still things that need to be done.
Here's the homework!

  1. to study for spelling bee on thursday
  2. Bible:  memory verse- Matthew 21:15 (middle).  See memory verse card
  1. to study for spelling bee on thursday
  2. Spanish project due Wednesday
  3. Bible:
    1. memory verse due Thursday
    2. Dig Questions for Lesson 21
  4. Math- Workbook
  5. Social Studies: Mesopotamia Project
That's it1  See you tonight!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello All,

Please remember that tomorrow the students are performing for church.  They need to be at church no later than 10:45 am, and they need to be wearing their choir uniform.


Lower grades only have makeup work if applicable (None for Maxwell!)

Upper grades only have makeup work-  All students have makeup work and should be doing it this weekend. All makeup and redo work is due on Monday morning or it will receive a zero "0" grade.

Thanks and see you tomorrow.

Mrs. B

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday's Homework and Announcments

Hello All,

1.  Please remember that tomrrow is the Moolah Auction.  Each student should bring a small item to add to the auction (can be genly used item from home) such as school supplies or toys. 
2.  Please also remember that the students will be singing this Sabbath.  Please have them at church no later 10:45 to warm up in the Primaries classroom (across the hall from the Pastor's class). They should wear their choir uniform (black pants and shoes, and a white dress shirt or polo).

Here's the homework!

  1. memory verse for tomorrow
  2. Makeup- Bible Workbook (Maxwell)
  3. Card for Dad- please ask for this, they finished it in class.
  4. Social Studies:
    1. Draw About it!
    2. Write About it! (Alex)
  1. memory verse for tomorrow
  2. Math- Workbook
  3. Spanish:  Project due Wednesday
  4. Social Studies:  Webquest due tomorrow
That's it!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Here is today's homework:

  1. for Spelling test tomorrow
  2. Bible- Memory Verse Mtthew 4:10
  3. Social Studies:  Write About it! from BrainPop

  1. for Spelling test tomorrow
  2. Bible- Memory Verse Mtthew
  3. Spanish: Make a worksheet:  Guess which animal ? using all 13 Spanish words.  No one finished this in class so they should be doing this at home.
  4. Math- Workbook
  5. Reading:  None
  6. Social Studies:  Write About It sheet from Brain Pop.

That's it!  Stay Healthy!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello All!

Please remember that we will be having an Open House on March 19, next Monday!  So please come and join us for a night of fun!

Here’s the homework for tonight:


  1. to study for the spelling test on Thursday
  2. Bible:  Workbook
  3. Memory Verse:  Matthew 4:10
  4. Reading:  Finish Phonics
  5. Social Studies:  Write about it based on “Goods and Services” from BrainPop

  1. to study for the spelling test on Thursday
  2. Bible: Memory Verse
  3. Math:  Workbook
  4. Reading:  Handwriting
  5. Social Studies:  p.  126- write the answers to the Thinking About Facts with complete sentences.
Gr. 7/8- p. 127- complete the comparison chart 


Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday's Assignments

Hello All,

Here's Monday!


  1. to study for Spelling test Thursday
  2. Bible Memory Verse- Matthew 4:10
  3. Social Studies- Students have two questions to ask their parents about goods and services.  They should write down the parents' answers on their papers. 
  1. to study for Spelling test Thursday
  2. Bible Memory Verse for quiz Friday
  3. Math- Workbook
  4. Reading- Alliteration Poem
  5. Social Studies- Think About i!
That's it!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello all!

Sabbath is almost upon and I hope you all have plans to rest and enjoy it!

There is no homework for the lower grades, but the upper grades have a few things:

1.  Math- workbook
2.  Social Studies:  This is a makeup assignment.  The students were supposed to write an article based on the webquest they did on Ancient Mesopotamia.  This was actually due today, but they will have an extension to Monday to be able to get any points on it.

That's it!

God Bless!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday Homework and Annoucements

Hello All!

Please remember that the students need to be back here by 6:45 so Mr. Beltre can go over last-minute details, as well as pray with them, and help them rehearse what they want to say for their part of the presentation.

Here's the homework:

  1. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow
  2. Phonics:  "dr" and "tr" worksheet
  3. Handwriting:  finish the lesson, choose a picture in the back to write the verse on, and color it.
  1. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow
  2. Bible- Finish the Activity
  3. Spanish- finish zoo animal flashcards
  4. Math-Workbook
  5. Reading- PowerPoint based on UK Country
  6. Social Studies:  Finish writing webquest article
    1. Gr. 4- 1/2 page double-spaced
    2. Gr. 6- 3/4 pg double spaced
    3. Gr. 7- 1 page double spaced
Thanks!  That's it :)  See you all back tonight!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Please remember that tomorrow night is the Annual Art Gallery & Auction!  Please remember that the students should wear their uniforms to the event, and they should arrive before 6:45pm.  Now to the homework:

  1. for test tomorrow
  2. Memory Verse- Mark 1:11 
  3. Social Studies:  Draw a map of the playground with a route from one place to another.
  1. for test tomorrow
  2. Memory Verse
  3. Math- Workbook
  4. Reading:  Label the knight sheet
  5. Social Studies: Webquest- finish gathering information and filling out journal
That's it!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello All,

Please remember that on thursday, March 8, the students need to be at school by 6:45 (dressed in uniform) for the Art Gallery & Auction.  This is going to be a big event so remember to bring your friends and family to watch your child present their work and to bid of course.

  1. Ask your child for the card they made for their mom today (if they didn't already give it to you).
  2. to study for test of Thursday 
  3. Memory Verse for quiz Friday 
  4. Bible- workbook- finish last page
    1. students color pictures and glue the pictures onto the page
  1. to study for test of Thursday
  2. Memory Verse for quiz Friday
  3. Math- workbook
That's it! 
Thanks :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday's Assignments & Annoucements

Hello All,

Please remember that this Thursday evening, March 8, the students need to be at the school at 6:45 for the Art Gallery & Auction. Invite your friends and family members to come and enjoy the students' art!

Here’s the homework for today:

  1. for Spelling
  2. Memory Verse- Mark 1:11
  3. Bible: Re-read the story of John the Baptist

  1. for Spelling
  2. Spanish- finish project DUE TUESDAY
  3. Memory Verse
  4. Math-workbook
  5. Reading- Chapter 10 review and mini-project
  6. Social Studies:  write blue bold words and their definitions from Ch. 5 Lesson 2

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday's Assignments

Hello All,

Like most Fridays, there are no assignments or homework.  There were many assignments that were due today, and most of the students turned those in except the ones who were absent. 

The only assignment is for upper grades:  Math Workbook.

Have a Blessed weekend!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework:

  1. Memoy verse quiz tomorrow- Luke 2:49
  2. Social Studies- Flowchart with descriptions

  1. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow
  2. Bible:  Activity due tomorrow
  3. Essay FINAL due tomorrow
  4. Social Studies- Study for exam tomorrow
Good luck studying!