
Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday's Homework

Hello All,

Announcements:  We have a Special Feature so please come to church tomorrow to see it.  Also, we will show the bi-weekly video newsletter.

Here's the homework:

For lower grades, there is no homework.

For upper grades:  remember to write your Thematic Reading Persuasive Essay. 

Make-up:    Some of you are missing the following assignments-

Science Project- hypothesis and project paper

Spelling test

Memory Verse- John 4: 9,10

Outline for Persuasive Essay

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

Today's homework is:

1.  Bible- Upper: 1 Jn 4:9,10/ Lower: Ex 20:13

2.  Spelling test tomorrow for all grades.

3.  Thematic reading: Upper- outline for essay  AND Venn Diagram

4.  Reading Workshop:  Sammy Presentation

5.  Science: Lower- answer questions on p. D37

Make-up work:

Thematic Reading: Brainstorming sheet AND Persuasive Paper

Science:  worksheet AND paperwork for project

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello All,

First of all, please remember that this Saturday, October 29, all students will be doing their Outreach on Saturday night.  We will meet at the school at 6pm.  If your child needs a ride, please let me know.

  1. Spelling words
  2. Memory verse- Ex. 20:13 (The Clear Word for Kids)
  3. Science (cold and flu): Get well card
  1. Spelling words
  2. Memory Verse- 1 John 4:9, 10
  3. Thematic Reading: Brainstorming for essay AND finish reading Chapter 15 of Small Steps
  4. Science:  Fill out the first three portions of the Science Experiment Sheet (procedure is how you will complete the science project).
Make up work:
1.  Turn in hypothesis for Science Project AND Parental permission for your science project

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday's Homework

Hello All,

It's another weekend, and Sabbath is upon us.  Please see below for the homework assignments:

Gr. 1- Redo the memory verse (Heb. 11:4, first part).  Turn in coloring page (it was due Friday).
Gr. 3- None!
Upper Grades-
Bible- Activity A-D, you choose (most of you chose posters).
Thematic Reading- Extension project (some of you chose macaroni) due Monday (remember, there is no grace period for this one).
Science:  Be working on designing and implementing your project
Make-up work:  Science:  Review it- p. 210, 217, 219, 221
Science Projects- turn in hypothesis

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday's Homework and Announcments


Okay here is the homework:

Gr. 1- finish Bible coloring project AND study memory verse- Heb. 11:4
Gr. 3- Study memory verse Heb. 11:4
Upper Grades:  Study for the Science Test

Make-up work:

David, Derek: Turn in Science Project background sheets and Parent Permission form, as well as your hypothesis. 

That's it!

Have a great night!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

Don't forget it's Prayer Meeting tonight at 7pm!

Here's the homework for tonight:

  1. Study for spelling test tomorrow
  2. Study memory verse Friday
  1. Study for spelling test tomorrow
  2. Finish Spanish project
  3. Science:  read pp. 219-222 and do the Review Its on pp. 210, 217, 219, 221
That's it!  Do your homework!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Homework for Tuesday

Hello All,

Here's the homework for tonight:

  1. Spelling words
  2. Memory verse: Hebrews 11:4 (first part)
  1. Spelling test Thursday
  2. Spanish projects dur Thursday
  3. Bible:  Dig a Little Deeper question (your choice)
  4. Handwriting #31
  5. Thematic Reading: Extension project

Science:  p. 167- Research project (see yesterday's blog for details)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday's Assignments

Hello All,

Here is the homework and make-up work for today:

Lower Grades:
  1. Spelling: test on Thursday
  2. Science: 
    1. Grades 3-4- finish diagramming the system that you have chosen
    2. Grade 1- Draw something that you can do now that you couldn't do as a baby
Upper Grades:
  1. Bible-  p. 35 A-D, you choose
  2. Thematic Reading:  Extension Activity due Monday
  3. Science:  p. 167 Research Activity- #1 or #3
Make-up work:
Thematic Reading- Summarize chapter 13- 8-12 sentences depending on grade
Science- Turn in hypothesis for the science project

That's it! Have a great night!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday homework

Hello All,

Here is the homework for the weekend:

Spanish: Gr. 3-8 have chosen a project that is due Thursday

1.  Math worksheet

  1. Bible activity- p. 35 A-D, you choose
  2. Thematic Reading: Character Analysis sheet
  3. Science: hypothesis due for Science Project
That's it!  Have a Happy Sabbath!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Please remember to sign the permission slip for next week's field trip to Avila Valley Barn, it is due tomorrow.


Lower Grades-
  1. Spelling test tomorrow
  2. John 1:29 memory verse quiz Friday
  3. Gr. 1- Phonics
Upper Grades-
  1. Spelling test tomorrow
  2. Begin working on Spanish project
  3. Science:  Mitosis vs. Meiosis project
  4. Bible: memory verse quiz Friday- Gen 1:26, 27
  5. Thematic reading: Summary Chapter 13
    1. Gr. 4-6: 8 + sentences
    2. Gr. 7-8: 12+ sentences
Make-up work:  Some people have failed to turn in the following assignments.  They are no longer eligible for an "A" or "excellent" on the assignment:

Bible:  Choose on Dig question from p. 34 to answer
Science:  3 sheets-
1.  Background sheet for the Science Project
2.  Science Project sheet with parent's signature
3.  Answer to question based on reading
Thematic Reading:
1.  Fears and Phobias Chart
2.  8 sentences based on the sets of words we talked about in class

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Announcements and Tuesday's homework

Hello All,

Announcement- The students will be going to Avila Barn next week so please remember to sign the permission slip return it by Thursday.


Lower Grades:
  1. memory verse: John 1:29 (1st part)
Upper Grades:

  1. memory verse: Genesis 1:24, 25
  2. Bible- Dig question
    1. Gr. 4-6 choose one
    2. Gr. 7-8 choose #4, 5, 6
  3. Thematic Reading-Fear & Phobias Chart
  4. Science:
    1. Background science project sheet
    2. Science Project Proposal Form
    3. Answer questions based on the cell