
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday's Annoucements

Hello All,

Please remember:

1.  We are only doing in class projects this week so no homework to take home.
2.  Friday is the last day of school, and we'll be having a Class Awards ceremony, passing out Yearbooks, and cleaning out the desks, etc. 


Mrs. Beltre

Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday's Reminders and Homework

Hello All,

Reminders: Please remember that there is no school on Monday.  Also, remember that the students need to bring everything on the list for the beach, including their food item to share.

Lower:  Redo DOL

1.  Essay FINAL DRAFT due Monday
2. Spanish- Memorize Sarah's script

That's it!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday's Announcements and Assignments

Good Afternoon!

Parents: Please remember that if you aren't going to accompany us on Tuesday to Avila Beach that you will need to turn in the permission slip tomorrow (Friday).
Also, please remember that there won't be school on Monday, May 28, due to Memorial Day.
And last, tomorrow is the Moolah Auction, so please remember to bring something to donate (a gently used toy, school supplies, or other fun item).

Here's the homework:

  1. Math- do two pages in the book
  2. Phonics- Alex finish up to the check; Maxwell- do worksheet
  3. Social Studies- p. 184- Thinking About Ideas #1-6.
  1. Spanish- Memorize Sarah's script
  2. Math- workbook
  3. Reading- Final call for magazine articles (corrected)
  4. Essay Draft #3 due tomorrow
  5. Social Studies- Study for Social Studies test RETAKE tomorrow
That's it!  Have a great night!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for tonight:

  1. to study for spelling bee tomrorow
  2. Math- 2 pages in the math workbook
  3. Phonics- to the red check in the book
  4. Social Studies- p. 184 Thinking About Words #1-6

  1. to study for spelling bee tomrorow
  2. Math- workbook
  3. Final Call for magazine articles
  4. Essay final draft due Friday
  5. Social Studies- Part 3 of Project/ Presentations tomorrow
That's it!  Have a wonderful evening!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday's Annoucements and Homework

Hello All,

Please remember that the Scholarship Fair will be tonight at 6:00pm and should end at or before 7:30pm.  Students do not need to attend.

Here's the homework:

  1. to study for the Spelling Bee.
  2. Redo: Gr. 1- 13 colonies sheet/ Harriet Tubman Write About it! 
  1. to study for the Spelling Bee
  2. Spanish- Memory Spanish script
  3. Reading- Bring Magazine Articles to class
  4. Reading- Essay Draft #2 due tomorrow
  5. Social Studies- Part 2 project
That's it!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday's Reminders and Homework

Hello All,

Please see the note that I have sent home about tomorrow's Scholarship Fair.

Also, plesae remember that next week there is no school for Memorial Day (Monday), and we have our school picnic.  More about that later in the week though.

Here's the Homework:
  1. to review the past six (6) lists for the spelling bee on Thursday.
  2. No memory verse
  3. Social Studies- Harriet Tubman Write About It! for Brain Pop
  4. Redo:  Social Studies-Write About It! 13 Colonies:  The students should imagine that they are a colonist back in the 1600's.  They should write a diary entry of a typical day.  We've already read about it, talked about it, and watched a video about it.  Remember, it should be about life in the 1600's.
  1. to review the past six (6) lists for the spelling bee on Thursday.
  2. Spanish- memorize your Spanish script for Maryann and Derek's script.
  3. Math- workbook
  4. Reading-
    1. Bring magazine article to class
    2. Essay Draft #2 due Wednesday
  5. Social Studies- Part 1 for Project
That's it! 
Thanks :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Friday's Homework

FRIDAY- May 18, 2012

Hello All,

There isn't much for today.

Lower- None

  1. Essay Outline #2 due Wednesday
  2. Spanish script
  3. Math- workbook makeup/redo work

That's it! 

Thursday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Please remember that the Scholarship Fair is Tuesday night!

Here's the homework:

  1. memory verse tomorrow
  2. Handwriting- finish a lesson and coloring page
  3. Social Studies- 13 colonies Write about it

  1. Spanish script due tomorrow
  2. Bible Activity due tomorrow
  3. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow
  4. Math- Workbook
  5. Reading- Essay draft 31 due tomorrow
  6. Social Studies- TEST tomorrow
  7. Makeup-
    1. Polar Animal stories
That's it!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

Please remember that next Tuesday, May 22, we are going to have our Scholarship Fair. 

Here's the homework:

  1. Memory Verse Proverbs 21:26
  2. Social Studies- Workbook p. 42
  3. Makeup work- Bible workbook
  1. Memory Verse 1 Thess. 4:16-18
  2. Math- workbook
  3. Reading- Essay draft #1 due Friday (must be typed)
  4. Social Studies- Mini project on Alexander the Great and Greece due tomorrow
  5. Makeup work-  Bible- Dig questions
  6. Makeup- Polar Animals paper

That's it!

Thanks :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday's Homework

Hello All,

Please remember that there will be a scholarship fair on Tuesday next week to help fill out applications and see which scholarships the students can get for the coming school year.

Here's the homework for tonight:

Please note that ALL REDO WORK is due tomorrow.


  1. Memory Verse- Proverbs 21:26
  2. Handwriting- finish one lesson 
  3. Social Studies- Workbook p. 40-41


  1. Memory Verse- 1 Thess. 4:16-18
  2. Bible- Makeup work- Lesson 28 # of your grade
  3. Math- Workbook 
  4. Reading- Essay draft 1--due Friday (typed)
  5. Reading- Polar animal story (1/2 page, 3/4 page, 1-page)
  6. Social Studies- Mini project (due Thursday)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday's Announcements and Homework

Hello All,

  1. Meet at 10:45 at church to warm up with Mr. Beltre on Sabbath
  2. Meet around 1:45 for the Youth Symphony Concert on Sunday


  1. Social Studies-  Write About it! for Christopher Columbus
  2. Makeup-  Bible workbook- finish the two circled pages  
  1. Math- workbook
  2. Reading-  Read Under the Ice pp. 42-51
    1. Makeup- Article for magazine
    2. Read- Outline for essay

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday's Announcements and Homework

Hello All,

  1. I'm sending home a note today that has some important annoucements and info so please look out for it.
  2. Sabbath the students are singing.  They should wear dress clothes, a white top and black pants/skirts. They will need to meet Mr. Beltre by 10:45.
  3. Sunday we will be leaving promptly at 2pm so please get to the parking lot by 1:45 so we can all be ready to leave.

  1. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow- Mark 12:30
  2. Bible-  Finish "Satan's Trap" page.
  3. Handwriting- Finish an entire lesson and color a page from the back with a memory verse.
  1. Memory Verse quiz tomorrow- Mark 13:28, 29
  2. Bible Activity due tomorrow
  3. reading- Essay Outline due tomorrow
  4. Social Studies- p. 210:  do the Tryin the Skill/Reviewing the Skill

That's it! 


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday's Homework

Happy Wednesday!

Here's the homework for tonight:


  1. Study for your spelling test at
  2. Study for your Memory Verse- mark 12:30
  3. Reading:  Read an entire book aloud to your Mom or Dad

  1. Study for your spelling test at
  2. Spanish Quiz tomorrow- study your vocabulary words
  3. Study for your Memory Verse- Mark 12:28,29
  4. Math- Workbook
  5. Reading- Outline for essay due Friday
    1. Makeup work-  Redo Article
  6. Social Studies- Think About it!
    1. Makeup work- finish the mini-project
That's it! Have a great day :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuesday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework:

  1. for spelling
  2. Bible- Memory Verse Mark 12:30
  3. Bible-  Workbook (finish pages for Lesson 32)
  4. Handwriting-  finish one lesson
  1. for spelling
  2. Spanish-  Write 5, 7, or 10 phrases from the new vocabulary and illustrate the pictures.
  3. Bible- Memory Verse
  4. Bible makeup- Dig Questions for Lesson 27
  5.  Reading- Work on your essay outline
  6. Reading makeup- Write the article about the research station
  7. Social Studies-  Mini-project about the Olympics due tomorrow
That's it!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Please remember that this Sababth, May 12, the students will be doing a special music at Templeton Hills Adventist Church.  The students need to be at church by 10:35am. Also, please remember that on Sunday we will be going on Field Trip to PACSLO for a concert.  We will meet on Sunday around 1:45 pm.

Here's the homework:

  2. Bible- Do Memory Verse card for Mark 12:30
  3. Reading- Gr. 3- Pronouns sheet
  2. Bible- Dig Questions Lesson 27
  3. Math- Workbook
  4. Reading- Article on Polar Station you have chosen
  5. Social Studies- Continue working on mini-project
That's it!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello All,

Outreach went very well today. The residents at Vineyard Health were estatic to have the students there to help them.  It was a really nice way to spend the day. 

There is no assigned homework, only Redo work for the weekend.  Most students have something they should be doing.  All redo work is due this Monday.


Mrs. Beltre 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday's Homework

Hello All,

Here’ s the homework:


  1. Bible:
    1. Gr.1- Finish the Lord’s Prayer coloring sheets and staple to make into a book.
    2. Gr. 3- Finish the Bible workbook (pages that are circled).
  2. Reading:
    1. Gr. 1- Finish phonics/reading worksheet
    2. Gr. 3- Do Write About it for Nonfiction Books
  3. Social Studies:
    1. P. 146-147 do the Review questions


  1. Spelling Redo-  some people didn’t pass the spelling test and need to write each word with its definition, and use it in a sentence.  They will retake the spelling test in class tomorrow.
  2. Bible-  Webquest is due tomorrow
  3. Math- Workbook
  4. Reading- Concept Map about Polar Life is due tomorrow.   Choose Polar life, tell a fact about it, and a way to conserve it.
  5. Social Studies- Mini project based on Sparta and Athena due tomorrow
That's it!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Hello All,

Just a reminder to turn in the permission slips for Friday's Outreach.

Here's the Homework-

Lower: for the spelling test tomorrow

  1. Gr. 1- Phonics
  2. Gr. 3- Write About it- Nonfiction Books
Social Studies:
  1. Gr. 1- Phonics
  2. Gr. 3- Write About it- Ellis Island  


  1. for the spelling test tomorrow
  2. Spanish- Webquest due tomorrow
  3. Math- workbook
  4. Bible and Social Studies:  Assignments due Friday
That's it!

--Mrs. B.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday's Homework and Annoucements

Hello All,

Announcements: Please remember to turn in your forms for the Symphony Orchestra field trip, as well as the money for the trip. Also, please remember to sign and return the permission slip for our Outreach on Friday morning.
Here's the homework-

  1.  spellingcity for spelling test Thursday
  2. Handwriting-  Finish the lesson and do a memory verse page with the blacklines in back of the book.
  3. Social Studies-  Write About It for Ellis Island.

  1. spellingcity for spelling test Thursday
  2. Math-  workbook
  3. Reading:  Scientific Method sheet 5a
  4. Social Studies- Makeup work- mini project
That's it!