
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for tonight:

  1. spellingcity for test tomorrow
  2. Memory Verse for test Friday
  3. Bible: Scrolls:  I sent a yellow piece of paper home with them.  They should finish writing their memory verse on it.  Tomorrow we're going to turn it into a scroll.
  4. Social Studies: Workbook pp. 22-23
  1. spellingcity for test tomorrow
  2. Spanish:  Project due Tuesday
  3. Memory Verse for test Friday
  4. Bible:  Activity due Friday
  5. Reading:
    1. Essay due Friday
    2. Finish Medieval Vocab List
    3. Kid's View article poster
  6. Social Studies
    1. King Tut project
    2. Test Friday (online)
That's it!  Have a great night and remember to go to the church for the concert at 7pm!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday's Homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for today!

  1. to study for test on Thursday
  2. Memory Verse- Luke 2:49
  3. Social Studies- Goods and Services.  Draw a chart showing five goods and five services.  Label each one.  Use color
  1. to study for test on Thursday
  2. Memory Verse- 1 Cor. 10:13
  3. Math- workbook
  4. Reading
    1. essay due Friday
    2. Ch. 9 Review
  5. Social Studies
    1. King Tut project dur Thursday
That's it!  Do your work!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday's homework

Hello All,

Here's the homework for tonight:

  1. for spelling
  2. Memory Verse:  Luke 2:49
  3. Social Studies:  p. 79- finish project
  1. for spelling
  2. Spanish:   p. 127- write 10 sentences using -o, -as, -a, -amos, -an
  3. Memory Verse:  1 Cor. 10:13
  4. Bible:  Journal and Dig questions for Lesson 18
  5. Reading:  Essay due Friday
That's it!

Have a great day :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello All,
We had a really fun field trip to the Fire Station!  And tomorrow we will  have a Special Feature with pictures and information all about it.

Here's the homework:

None--they have finished all of their work!

  1. Math- workbook
  2. Essay Draft #3
  3. makeup work:
    1. Reading- Chapter 8 review
    2. Spanish- reflection paper AND p. 126-127 conjugation of three verbs
    3. memory verse
    4. Bible Activity
See you tomorrow!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday's Homework and Announcments

Hello All,

Just a reminder to bring your permission slips tomorrow to go on the field trip!
Here's the homework:

  1. Memory verse quiz tomorrow
  2. Bible- commandment sheet- make as many words as you can using the letters to "commandments"
  3. Reading- syllable worksheet- separate the syllables using lines
  4. Social Studies: Correct the answers to the Review section (p.76) using the book.  Write the answers to the incorrect questions using a complete sentence.
  1. Memory verse quiz tomorrow
  2. Math- Workbook
  3. Reading- Review Chapter 8, Essay draft #2
  4. Social Studies- Heiroglyph (which should be in color) message with your own heiroglyphs

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Please see the note that your child is bringin home for the field trip on Friday.

Here's the homework:

  1. to study for Spelling test Thursday
  2. Bible:  Memory Verse Friday
  3. Thematic Reading: Finish writing a story using 5 of the words from the Silent "e" worksheet.
  1. to study for Spelling test Thursday
  2. Spanish: Do reflection paper:
    a.  Did you answer all of the questions?
    b.  Did you work hard on your expansion project?
    c.    Did you do everything neatly?
    d.  What grade do you think you deserve?  Why?   
  3. Spanish: p. 123- Write question words down on this page (#3).
  4. Bible:  Memory Verse Friday
  5. Bible:  Dig Questions
  6. Math:  workbook
  7. Thematic Reading: Sensory Poem, Essay Draft 1
  8. Social Studies: PowerPoint based on your word from Lesson 2 about Egypt
  9. Makeup work:
    1. Bible: activity from lesson 16- last day is Thursday
    2. Thematic Reading- Vocabulary List

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday's Assignments

Tuesday has been a wonderful day, as our School Evaluation committee has been visiting with us.

The homework today is:

  1. to study for Spelling test on Thursday
  2. Memory Verse for quiz Friday
  3. Social Studies:  Natural Resources sheet:  write five ways that you can use the natural resource that you have chosen (wood, dirt, etc.)
  1. to study for Spelling test on Thursday
  2. Spanish: makeup- Activity
  3. Memory Verse for quiz Friday
  4. Bible: Makuep:  Activity
  5. Math- workbook
  6. Reading: Medieval Vocabulary List
    1. makeup work:  Finish outline for your essay (Essay due March 3).
That's it!  Thanks,

Mrs. B

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello All!

Please remember these two important things:

  1. Sunday we will have a Work Bee at school beginning at 9am.
  2. Monday there is no school.
Here's the homework:

  1. Bible:  workbook- finish pasting the pieces on the page.
  1. Spanish- Finish the extension project and worksheet
  2. Bible- Finish Activity
  3. Ready:  Due essay Outline
  4. Math- Workbook
That's it!  Have a wonderful weekend!!!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello everyone!

Here is the homework for today:

  1. Memory verse Luke 2:30
  2. Handwriting if not finished in class
  1. Bible Quest Worksheet
  2. Granada worksheet extension project (
  3. Math- workbook
  4. Social Studies activity worksheet (  
That's it!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

Please remember these things:

  1. There is no school Monday, Feb. 20 for President's Day
  2. There is a School Work Bee on Sunday, 9am to get the school ready for the School Evaluation
  3. Parents need to turn their Parent Evaluations for the school
  4. On Tuesday at 3:30 pm parents can come and listen to the School Evaluation Committee's findings
Here's the homework for today:

  1. for Spelling test tomorrow
  2. Bible workbook
  3. Memory Verse
  4. Makeup:  redo the Social Studies workbook
  1. for Spelling test tomorrow
  2. Bible- lesson 16 Dig Questions 
  3. Math workbook
  4. Reading- Put essay ideas in chronological order
  5. Social Studies:
    1. Activity worksheet for Brown vs BOE
    2. makeup:  Graphic organizer
    3. ask 1 person from the sheet 15 questions
    4. guess how that person might answer 5 of the questions
That's it!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Today's Assignments

We had a great Valentine's Day!! Thank you parents for supporting our party by supplying delicious snacks for students to share.

Here is the homework for today:

  1. Study spelling words (
  2. Memory verse Luke 2:30
  3. Science Workbook pg. 18, 19

  1. Study spelling words (
  2. Granada worksheet extension project (
  3. Math- workbook
  4. Social Studies activity worksheet (  
That's it!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Today's Assignments

Today was a fun and busy day!  Please don't forget that tomrorow is our Valentine's Day Party so bring cards for your class mates and snacks for the party!

Here is the homework for today:

No home work today

  1. Study your spelling words
  2. Math- workbook  
That's it!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday's Homework

Today was a fun and busy day!  Please don't forget that tomrorow is Outreach so we will need to all be wearing our green school shirts!

Here is the homework for today:

  1. memory verse:  Matthew 1:21
  2. Bible-  finish coloring memory verse page
  3. Phonics book- finish pages
  1. memory verse:  Dan. 2:21-22
  2. Bible Activity Lesson 15
  3. Math- workbook
  4. Reading- Illumination memory verse
  5. make-up work:
    1. bible: Dig Questions
    2. reading: Ch. 7 review
That's it!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday's Homework and Announcements

Hello All,

I hope you've had a wonderful day!

There aren't too many assignments for tonight:


  1. for spelling bee tomorrow
  2. Bible: memory verse for Friday
  3. Handwriting book- finish your page
  4. Social Studies:  Write About it!  Write a day in the life of an underground railroad participant

  1. for spelling bee tomorrow
  2. Bible: memory verse for Friday
  3. Spanish project due tomorrow
  4. Math: workbook
  5. makeup:  Ch. 7 review for Reading & Bible Lesson 15 Dig Q's
Good luck!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday's homework and reminders

Hello All,

-Remember that tomorrow is the final day to turn in the permission slips for Friday's Outreach to Loaves and Fishes.
-For Thursday, we will be having a practice banquet for the Upper Grades.  Each student will be bringing a snack to share with the class.  This is only for the upper grade students.

Here's the homework:

  1. for spelling bee
  2. Memory Verse card for quiz Friday
  3. Reading:  Shape poem
  4. Social Studies: Draw About it! George Washington Carver
  1. for spelling bee
  2. Memory Verse card for quiz Friday
  3. Bible:  Dig Questions
  4. Spanish:  Projects due Thursday, be working on them
  5. Reading- Chapter 7 review
  6. Social Studies:  Do your Manners & Ettiquette worksheet
that's it!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday's Assignments & Annoucements

Hello All,

Just to remind you of a couple of things: One, we are going to have Outreach this Friday at Loaves and Fishes so please remember to sign your child's permission slip. Two, on Tuesday, February 14th, we are going to have a class party for Valentine's Day.  We would like each child to bring a card for their classmates as well as a sweet treat to share with the class.

Here are the assignments for tonight:

Lower :
  1. to study the past three lists for the Spelling Bee Thursday
  2. Bible:  Memory Verse card for quiz Friday
  3. Phonics- finish assignments in book
  4. Social Studies:  George Washington Carver- Write About it!
  1. to study the past three lists for the Spelling Bee Thursday
  2. Spanish:  work on project due Thursday
  3. Bible:  Memory Verse card for quiz Friday
  4. Math- workbook

That's it!  Have a wonderful day!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday's Homework

Hello All,

Here is the homework and makeup work:

Lower: (no assigned work)

Makeup work-
  1. Social Studies- worksheet- Write About It!
  2. DOL
  1. Math
  2. Makeup work:
    1. Table Manner sheet
That's it!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday's Homework

Here's tonight's homework:

  1. Memory Verse Mark 1:2
  2. Social Studies: Write About it!  worksheet
  1. Bible: Memory verse
  2. Bible: Activity Lesson 14
  3. Math:  workbook
  4. Reading:  Finish building castle
  5. Reading makeup: finish charges
  6. Social Studies: Table Manners Sheet (parents should fill this out during tonight's dinner meal).
That's it!

Have a wonderful day!

Mrs. B :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday's Homework

Hello All,

Today's Homework includes-

  1. for spelling test tomorrow
  2. memory verse quiz Friday Mark 1:2
  1. for spelling test tomorrow
  2. Makeup Spanish:  Practica A- due tomorrow
  3. Bible:  Dig Q's due TH/ Memory Verse
  4. Math- workbook
  5. Reading:
    1. Finish Chargers
    2. Build castle
    3. makeup: Chapter review 6 due F
Have a great!